
sadescription Guerre des Gos 2
6mn44   color & b/w   stereo   2026   France
by Claude Ciccolella
Birthday of the Gos.
The Gos are conceptual characters, invisible by nature and structuring by essence. They are born in pairs, to each Gos appears his double, his antiGos, antiGos that the Gos want to erase from their existence. These characters manifest themselves by a subjacent appearance of words for the Gos and their antonyms for the antiGos in French and English. When they came into the world, some Gos and antiGos could not separate and formed GosTicq.

sadescription Guerre des Gos 1
7mn02   color & b/w   stereo   2025   France
by Claude Ciccolella
Presence of Gos and antiGos, words underlying an organic battle, a poetic text and a GosTicq at the end of the short film.
The Gos are conceptual characters, invisible by nature and structuring by essence. They are born in pairs, to each Gos appears his double, his antiGos, antiGos that the Gos want to erase from their existence. These characters manifest themselves by a subjacent appearance of words for the Gos and their antonyms for the antiGos in French and English. When they came into the world, some Gos and antiGos could not separate and formed GosTicq.

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sadescription Sous le Désert
7mn18   color & b/w   stereo   2023   France
by Claude Ciccolella
Fourth part of natural disaster trauma: biological, physical and chemical degradation, climate change, desertification, poverty, conflict, vital need for change, of a sustainable agricultural exploitation, so that our world can continue to exist. But are we ready for this lifestyle change?
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sadescription Quadriptyque 06.02.04.
28mn26   color & b/w   stereo   2023   France
by Claude Ciccolella
Trauma of natural disaster in four parts - Under the Ground - volcanic spectral imagery and tremors of war - Between Heaven and Earth - cascade of tornadoes, homodiegetic narration where only the author expresses his desire - Under Water - autobiographical story, enumeration of tsunamis, incessant devastation, - Under the Desert - biological, physical and chemical degradation, and its consequences... But are we ready for a lifestyle change to keep our world going?

sadescription Sous les Eaux
7mn50   color & b/w   stereo   2022   France
by Claude Ciccolella
The third part of the natural disaster trauma brings out a paradox between the protection of nature, vital! and the cataclysmic destruction caused by tsunamis. On an incessant devastation, the autobiographical account and the tsunamis enumeration speak to each other from a distance.
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sadescription Sous la Terre
6mn29   color & b/w   stereo   2022   France
by Claude Ciccolella
The trauma of natural disaster is highlighted in this first part by a volcanic spectral imagery, a belching of fire, smoke and tremors, where the imagination of this frightening phenomenon and the ambivalence of life and death, could have ensure the benefit of catharsis. But the jerk of war quotes, superimposed on this staggering spectacle, plunges us into an intersubjectivity of telluric emotions and an enclave with two languages, that of the image and of the written word.
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sadescription Entre Ciel et Terre
6mn50   color & b/w   stereo   2022   France
by Claude Ciccolella
This second part of natural disaster trauma begins with a reverie of clouds and a pareidolia, which are transformed into cascade of tornadoes, torrential rain, storm and hail, and images of cities and fields after the cataclysm. On this destructive phenomenon is superimposed a written and homodiegetic narration of a sexual act where alone, the author, expresses his desire, his enjoyment and his vigor. Warm under his down, he gives us his fiction, without evocation of sexual consent, with the devastation of tornadoes in the background.
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sadescription Sous les feuilles dorées
8mn50   color & b/w   stereo   2021   France
by Claude Ciccolella
Paradoxical, ecstatic and consumerist approach to nature, bathed in predictions and visions from 1970 to 2018, and tinged with black humor. Music from Persian Surgery Dervishes by Terry Riley and "Feels Like We Only Go Backwards" by Tame Impala.
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sadescription Sous les feuilles
14mn16   color & b/w   stereo   2020   France
by Claude Ciccolella
The tree looked at the man. The man stretched out his arms. The tree emitted sounds, these sounds became syllables and these syllables words; words which came out of its trunk, its branches, its roots, the earth. A palaver began between the tree and the man, on the flight of birds, the song of the ducks, the whistle of the swan, the squeal of the nutria. Attracted by the quiet presence of this being, the man wrapped his arms around his trunk. What made him smell smells never felt before and from her memory sprang a few sentences from Dante's Divine Comedy. “If you break a branch from one of these trees, your thoughts will also be shattered. Then, stretching out my hand a little, I plucked a little twig from a thick bush, and the trunk cried, "Why are you mutilating me?" Then turned all black with blood, he cried out again, "Why are you breaking me?" Do you have no feeling of pity? We are men, now we are bushes. Your hand should be more pious, if we were souls of serpents. »Shot at Parc Borély, Marseille, February 2020.
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sadescription Quadriptyque 12.08.02.
58mn   color & b/w   stereo   2019   France
by Claude Ciccolella
Epistemological aesthetics feeding on paradoxes, contradictions and utopias, where art and scientific concepts, entropy, antimatter and string theory... would get along and combine to develop and compose a world of new questions about our architectural, urban and ecological future. Marseille in four parts, the wild nature on its outskirts – "the Endoume archipelago", an architectural monument symbolizing its ambitions – "The Marseillaise", and its urban space in a specific political context – the collapsing of two buildings in the heart of Marseille – an "in memoriam" representation of this disaster. The videos December, August and February constitute the sensory experience of speculated and distorted scientific proposals, November is obscene death seen from the sky.

sadescription Novembre
4mn54   b/w   stereo   2019   France
by Claude Ciccolella
Marseille seen from the sky, in memory of the eight inhabitants who died following the collapse of two buildings in the heart of the city. Last part of the Quadriptych 12.08.02.

sadescription Février
15mn06   color & b/w   surround   2019   France
by Claude Ciccolella
Perception of the tension of Marseille's urban space, of its volume of universe interacting with the feeling of the loss and the confusion after the collapse on November 5, 2018 of two buildings and the death of eight inhabitants, more than 2600 dislodged for unhealthy housing. Sensitive experience of string theory on Marseille's urban space in a cinematographic journal in three days. Third part of the Quadriptych 12.08.02.
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sadescription Août
15mn41   color   stereo   2019   France
by Claude Ciccolella
On the footsteps of antimatter, light is thrown in a compulsive roundabout of fractal temporality, an encounter between the image and its anti-image and their disintegration in a sidereal vacuum. Confronted with our desire to push back the frontiers of exploration and knowledge, our human condition undergoes a fatal test. A sensory experience of antimatter on the Tower "La Marseillaise" in a four-day-long cinematographic journal. Second part of the Quadriptych 12.08.02.
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sadescription Décembre
21mn16   color   stereo   2018   France
by Claude Ciccolella
The rock jumps, the field moves, the out-of-field condenses, the sound rips the water, the space overlaps, black white traces suspended, flight of the day before. Sensitive experience of the entropic phenomenon of the archipelago of Endoume, Marseilles, in a cinematographic journal in five days. First part of the Quadriptych 12.08.02.
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sadescription Les vampires
6mn04   color   stereo   2017   France
by Claude Ciccolella
Vampires are evil creatures. They dance like witches.
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sadescription Le pont
7mn31   color   stereo   2017   France
by Claude Ciccolella
They have danced under the bridge.
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sadescription Le marécage
5mn39   color   stereo   2017   France
by Claude Ciccolella
In the marsh we love each other and then we leave ...
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sadescription La piscine
7mn07   color   stereo   2017   France
by Claude Ciccolella
They voluptuously swim in water where a terrible shark pave the way.
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sadescription La forêt d'argent
6mn35   color   stereo   2017   France
by Claude Ciccolella
Mythical characters are hiding in this forest. Adorned with attributes they arise from the times and in a clever spirit honor this silvery grove. Their appearances are fleeting, will-o'-the-wisps jumping on the notes of a nursery rhyme. And before our eyes are read fragments of history, a story without words that slips from memory to memory, from day to night, from childhood to being. Each of these creatures has a message, a veiled message of shyness. We remain on our end and this is endless.
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sadescription L'oliveraie
5mn16   color   stereo   2017   France
by Claude Ciccolella
A harmonica that no longer knows where to go.
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sadescription le petit chat est mort
6mn06   color & b/w   stereo   2014   France
by Claude Ciccolella
A video about the First World War and its atrocities. The plot of the film is built on the use of found-footage: images of « broken faces » and images recreating the fighting on the front line. A film oscillating between historical document and personal fiction.
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sadescription Nous irons tous à Venise.
17mn10   color & b/w   stereo   2010   France
by Claude Ciccolella & Ange Rosa Berr
This year will end in beauty. Our friends invited us to accompany them in the most romantic city. Where shall we go? in Venice.
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sadescription Il faut être de bonne humeur pour rigoler avec Cioran
16mn39   color   stereo   2006   France
by Claude Ciccolella & Mike Reveau Peiffer
Ambulatory peregrination of an Ingenuous contemporary in various places of Marseilles. Its play is dumb, its shifted and burlesques actions. The image is accompanied in voice off by a diverting text, a poetry jubilatoire words, is made incongruity, of irony and espieglery.
Sound record : Jean-Christophe Defer - Moyen de production sonore : Nom Sensa Voal
with : Mike Reveau Peiffer

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sadescription Bus pour l’Europe
13mn56   color & b/w   stereo   2005   France
by Claude Ciccolella & Éric Brunel
Video made up of three parts : "Télégants Parody", "Flux tendus", Torticoli".
Co-production Cie Equivog Théâtre d’Aventure.

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sadescription La sardine à l’huile
4mn55   color   stereo   2004   France
by Claude Ciccolella
Clip realized starting from the concert's video of Belladona 9ch, filmed at the Lam (Marseilles).
Text and music of the song "La sardine à l'huile" by Agnès Royon Lemée & Michèle Coudriou.

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sadescription Ville Matière N°3 M
27mn14   color   stereo   2003   France
by Ange Rosa Berr
Seven people allowed me to follow them one day, taking me in and out oftheir lives, as itpleased them. I thank them all.
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sadescription Ville Matière N°2 M
20mn   color   stereo   2003   France
by Isabelle Schneider
Reach a landscape, unknit things, a thousand times worse, go to sleep… How many images does it take to capture a port.
Music : Sherri-Lee Richardson


sadescription Revolution F
14mn   color   stereo   2003   France
by Claude Ciccolella
Where the real world changes into simple images, the simple image is played to be real for it; diversion of cinematographic works on an so important subject historically and philosophically: the French Revolution.
Thanks : Hélène Bez, Fabrice Strambi, Emmanuel Vigne

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sadescription Ville Matière N°4 M
28mn40   color   stereo   2002   France
by Claude Ciccolella
When the life is spread out and contracted on an endless film , the "filming it" becomes a center where the matter city is held. Relationship between perceptive and movement.
Thanks to Helene Bez, Fabrice Strambi.

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sadescription THELINE
4mn   color & b/w   stereo   2002   France
by Claude Ciccolella
A visceral video denouncing the mechanical relentless of the destruction and the spectacle of the depreciation of the masses, vis-a-vis in comparison with the kisses, the childhood, the Humans in what they have of more generous: the solidarity and the fraternity. "Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person." art.3 of the Universal Declaration of the Humans Rights.
Remerciements : Hélène Bez, Fabrice Strambi, Isabelle Schneider, Emmanuel Vigne, David Gauthier

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sadescription Meta-Morphoses
90mn   color   stereo   2002   France
by Claude Ciccolella
Transformation until boiling from 5mn of the concert video, Belladonna9ch at “Luna Loca” (Toulouse).
Text and music : Agnès Royon Lemée et Michèle Coudriou (sauf Shomele, trad.yiddish)
Songs of Belladonna 9CH : Belladonna, Far & Gray, Acqua in bocca, Shomele, Labyrinthe, Frissons, Cérémonie, La Comète, Échec et satin, Baby lady, Faim de vous, Longing, Désert, Les nuits de Marseille, Choc, Salima, Labytech, Simone, Morsures, Messages
Thanks : Hélène Bez

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sadescription Ville Matière N°1 M
35mn55   color   stereo   2001   France
by Claude Ciccolella
Swarming and movment of the crowd in three areas in marseilles, la Plaine, le Vieux-Port and St Ferréol (Marseille)...
music : Ian Harris
dance : Julia Poggi.

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sadescription Les poissons font des bulles
7mn40   color & b/w   stereo   2001   France
by Claude Ciccolella
Is the electronic substance african, occidental or oriental ?
with Hélène Bez, the colored fishes of Ian Harris, Claude Ciccolella.

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sadescription Flux
58mn56   color   sil   2001   France
by Claude Ciccolella
Elusive images, vibration of colors, background bipmapped, lines of networks, kaleidoscope, spectrum and chromatic circle...
dance Julia Poggi.

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sadescription XYZ
5mn23   color   stereo   2000   France
by Claude Ciccolella
Surface of time and its depths from action film to developped images; body disfigured and splintered which breaks away from its carnality, iconic exploration, fly's away, reintegration into the body, sweat, substance, colour, he folds and unfolds in front of faces dancing; distention, traces...
Music : Jean-Christophe Defer
with : Thomas Langlet, Sandra Tittoni, Jean-Christophe Defer, Hélène Bez

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sadescription Sourire de lait
1mn10   color & b/w   stereo   2000   France
by Ange Rosa Berr
A false advertising version of images of desire in publicity.
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sadescription MC
1mn53   color   stereo   2000   France
by Claude Ciccolella
Will the small duck be eaten by the large Donald or will the small duck ?
Thanks Reine Navarette, Hélène Bez

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sadescription Crac’do
1mn10   color   stereo   2000   France
by La bande des 4
Let us eat at the edge of water, my friends !
with Karine Papin, Sandra Tittoni, Christophe Vincent, Simon Cibasti
camera, editing Claude Ciccolella.

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sadescription Soleil
2mn40   color & b/w   stereo   1999   France
by Claude Ciccolella
The masculin/feminine dance ends in a murder, a time’s murder on a mirror’s reflection...
with Julia Poggi, Mireille Vassiliades Music, text : Julia Poggi
Arrangement : Ian Harris
Camera : Hélène Bez

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sadescription Fragments de corps dans un monde chaotique
4mn30   color   sil   1999   France
by Claude Ciccolella
Hush... Hush
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sadescription Écrasons les cerises
12mn01   color   stereo   1999   France
by Claude Ciccolella
Fall, light, leak, shadows moving, streets, alleyways, way, passage, fire, lock, free-moving, walls, Malevitch, Klein, two, one... crushing the cherries... zero, Monochrom, and during this voyage, the spectator is between heaven and earth, between Eros and Thanatos, with chaotic noise in the background.
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sadescription Destroyed
4mn20   color & b/w   stereo   1999   France
by Ange Rosa Berr
A dim street, a house, a red room rythms the movement of three women. Nothing connects them, except the road that leads us inside, outside, to them.
Music : RedMud (Sherri-Lee Richarson, Ian Harris, Fabien Richard)
with Sherri-Lee Richardson, Sandra Tittoni, Caroline Gamel, Isabelle Schneider, Laurence Federico, Sybille Saury music RedMud (Sherri-Lee Richardson, Ian Harris, Fabien Richard)

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