10 videos selection 2009 to 2018 at Image Contre Nature - 60mn ]
Many thanks to the directors.
Program directed by Héléne Bez and Claude Ciccolella
a white card of Instants Vidéo Numériques et Poétiques
screened November 11, 2022, 20h30
La Friche la Belle de Mai
41 rue Jobin 13003 Marseille
13003 Marseille
35 Festival Les Instants Vidéo - Rencontres internationales
Fragments untitled #16mn50 color stereo 2012 Serbiaby DoplgengerThe famous speech of Slobodan Milosevic, which took place at Kosovo on June 28th 1989, was performed in front of the thousands of people. The National television was streaming it. This event, as known as “happening of the people”, is embodied in the image and the speech of Milosevic. History regards it as a presage of the collapse of Yugoslavia and the bloodshed of the Yugoslav Wars.
Doplgenger vivisects media footage and TV stream of the 1989 event in order to denote the invisible and deconstruct the memory.production : Doplgengerdistribution : DoplgengerFestival 2013 [ pr. sense ]clip
Sur le passage de quelques amis Facebook5mn47 color stereo 2011 Franceby Suzel RocheAgain, two builders meet each other, some time they hurt, most frequently, they stay face to face, let the spectator find place in their junction: my Facebook friends's pictures and the voice of Guy Debord from his movie "La Société du Spectacle".self-productionself-distributionFestival 2011 [ pr. sense ]clip
Chinese Wedding Dancer14mn50 color stereo 2008 USAby Neil NeedlemanA lyrically rhythmic joy ride with constantly changing graceful patterns, concocted using video footage shot at my son’s wedding in China. Through editing, I’ve imposed new patterns and pulsating bursts of movement on a “folk” dance performed by an entertainer at the event.self-productionself-distributionFestival 2009 [ pr. movement ]clip
IMPRESSURE4mn35 color stereo 2017 United Kingdomby Guli SilbersteinVideo code captured during family trips in British landscape, explodes and diffuses on screen, creating smears of vibrant colours and merging moving forms. The work wonders about the mysterious connection between nature and humans, and the use of technology in perception of the natural world.self-productionself-distributionFestival 2018 [ pr. perception ]clip
Mónica's Portrait5mn color stereo 2015 Portugalby João Cristovão LEITÃOMónica is, in theory, anything. Therefore, her portraits are born from the juxtaposition of sounds and of images taken from the audiovisual archive that is YouTube. Copyrights are neglected, the purposes of those who are neglected are usurped and (im)possible truths are tested. Thus, Mónica’s Portrait isn’t intended as an inflexible document – which informs and certifies –, but rather as an audiovisual montage able to suggest the inevitable and multiple identity of things: of sound, of image and of mankind.self-productiondistribution : HEURE EXQUISE !Festival 2016 [ pr. time ]clip
Film Loop 34: Ryoanji1mn30 color stereo 2017 Japanby Michael LyonsShot on 16mm film using a 35mm SLR and developed in Matchanal - home-brewed with powdered green tea, vitamin C, washing soda. Filmed at the Ryoanji dry landscape garden (枯山水) in northwest Kyoto. The soundtrack is an excerpt from 'Schianta e Brucia' by Stefano de Ponti and Elia Moretti. Images from the Film Loop Series were used in studio during the recording of this track.self-productionself-distributionFestival 2018 [ pr. movement ]clip
Charades7mn color & b/w stereo 2009 USAby Ann SteuernagelThis found footage piece is a celebration of boy/girl identity and lesbian sexuality.
self-productionself-distributionFestival 2010 [ pr. perception ]clip
Eldorado4mn06 color stereo 2017 USAby Salise HughesMade of footage from Glengarry Glenross, Bonanza, news footage from three major hurricanes and forest fires occurring during production, and news footage of the 2010 BP oil spill. El Dorado, the fabled lost city of gold is also the name of a luxury Cadillac, and first prize in David Mamet's Glengarry Glenross real estate competition. self-productionself-distributionFestival 2018 [ pr. time ]clip
Win-Nip-Egg4mn12 color stereo 2015 Canadaby LamathildeWhen a state phantomizes a population, creating another reality. When history disfigures the face of truth. When my story meets another story. When women disappear without trace. While white and privileged, I witness a repetition of stories. When violence against women's bodies equals violence from the use of words. The bodies of those we do not want to see or hear. From my studio window, I look out and my life crosses theirs.self-productiondistribution : Groupe Intervention VidéoFestival 2016 [ pr. space ]clip
Scherzo5mn15 color & b/w stereo 2015 Italyby Fabio Scacchioli & Vincenzo Core“O, wonder! How many goodly creatures are there here! How beauteous mankind is! O brave new world. That has such people in't!”
William Shakespeare, The Tempestself-productionself-distributionFestival 2016 [ pr. perception ]clip