vidéos of the selection Image Contre Nature 2007 - 75mn ]
at theDigital Art Festival Rosario (Argentine)
November, 16th, 2007
3e Arte Digital Festival Rosario 15/16/17 novembre 2007
Gabriel Otero
Dorrego 1394 Rosario (2000) - Santa Fe - Argentina
Cellular Activity : TANZ !12mn30 color sil 2006 USAby Neil NeedlemanThe latest entry in my "Cellular Activity" series, shot at my daughter's ultra-orthodox Jewish wedding. This is NOT the wedding video my family thought they would get. But they should know me by now ! Care to tanz ?self-productionself-distributionFestival 2007 [ pr. movement ]clip
Porto pour moi4mn15 color stereo 2005 Franceby Renan Larzul"Porto pour moi" (Porto for me) is the crossing of a city as a recluse, on a love song of Amalia Rodrigues… The desire of discovering architecture, spaces, colors, atmosphere of streets… offers to the spectator an animated postcard...self-productionself-distributionFestival 2007 [ pr. space ]clip
Urban Surfing1mn30 color stereo 2007 Netherlandsby Marina ChernikovaThe artist attempts to translate perceived energy (of the city) into energized perception by means of a stream of images in which the spectator has no alternative but to immerse himself completely as into a wave. The generally accepted representation of a city as a homogeneous, clearly structured unified whole gives way to a dynamic, fragmentary and individual perception of the urban environment.self-productionself-distributionFestival 2007 [ pr. space ]clip
Et puis l'amour14mn44 color stereo 2007 Belgiumby Catherine MenouryTo stroke a dog, to caress. To caress as a sign of tenderness. To caress someone with the hand, with the lips, to pamper, to cuddle, to hug, to kiss. To caress, to touch lightly, to skim, to fondle, to pat, to tickle, to titillate, to touch, to paw, to penetrate.self-productionself-distributionFestival 2007 [ pr. sense ]clip
Pledge6mn color & b/w stereo 2006 USAby Ann Steuernagel"Pledge" is a found footage piece created from a collection of obscure, Vietnam war era documentaries. The material is sadly timeless and provides one with an abstract medium to ruminate about war and, hopefully, peace.self-productionself-distributionFestival 2007 [ pr. identité[08] ]clip
Mois5mn40 color stereo 2007 Franceby Brigitte PerrotoWhen I was a little girl, I used to write letters to myself in the future.self-productionself-distributionFestival 2007 [ pr. time ]clip
Another Hard Winter8mn50 color & b/w stereo 2007 Portugalby Jonathan FrancoAn unstoppable heart beating and the flapping wings of a hummingbird, lead to the thrills of passion that can drive us all towards pleasure, knowledge or peril. Immemorial voyages to the unknown are evocated. Departing and arriving. Conflict and territoriality. Unbalanced relationship between mankind and the surrounding nature is established. Destruction, constant rebuilding and faith are roots to the suspenseful tensions binding areas in transition. The ecotone.self-productionself-distributionFestival 2007 [ pr. perception ]clip
Dire avec les yeux6mn04 b/w stereo 2007 Franceby Jean Paul NoguèsYour eyes. Yes, that’s it. Your eyes. It is your eyes that talk to me. Your eyes that tell me what. Your eyes that tell me that. That tell me they talk to me, that tell me they ear me, that tell me they wait for me. Your eyes that look at me. Yes, they are.production : Endogèneself-distributionFestival 2007 [ pr. sense ]clip
Trains and Dreams (L'imaginaire à la gare)1mn21 color stereo 2007 USAby Dan NadanerTrain rides and dreams both can involve an escape, a search, or a wandering. This is a video of trains stations, lost days, drifting in the bay, and the persistence of imagery in the mind.self-productionself-distributionFestival 2007 [ pr. space ]clip
Ritratto di famiglia (Family portrait)5mn color & b/w stereo 2006 Italyby Carlo CagnassoA man goes out of his house and begins to run. A woman walks along a market. Two children doze on the carpet.self-productionself-distributionFestival 2007 [ pr. movement ]clip
Energie !5mn b/w stereo 2007 Germanyby Thorsten FleischThe tv/video comes alive by a controlled beam of electrons in the cathode ray tube. For "Energie !" an uncontrolled high voltage discharge of approx. 30000 volts exposes photographic paper which is then arranged in time to create new visual systems of electron organization.self-productionself-distributionFestival 2007 [ pr. movement ]clip