(b)éret Volatile -
July 3, 21h & July 5, 19h
films - 40mn
Raide8mn20 color stéréo 2000 Franceby Laurence AbrahamA sound band almost more important than the images intersected with black. Impressions ? Outlines which bring on a decisive race : a soldier on a ground of war. That does occur it in its head during and before daring to launch out in a race of attack ?self-productionself-distributionclip
Chaostrophobie5mn40 color mono 1999 Franceby Jean-Paul D'Alife"Chaostrophobie" is an experimental film having as a theme the subconscious. Each image reflects psychoanalytical thesis. The whole can be perceived as a phantasm.self-productionself-distributionclip
Géométrie de l'intuition3mn color stéréo 2000 Franceby Stéphane Trois CarrésThe images are computer generated. Conceived as digital paintings, they are the elements of research around theories of space. (Topologies, non-Euclidean space).self-productionself-distributionclip
Trans(e) Bleu22mn color & b/w stéréo 2000 Canadaby Emmanuel Avenel & Marie-France GiraudonThe winter polar confinement provokes a landscape trance that permits us to create a cosmic territory, to wander it and to become ourselves a little bit of shamans.self-productionself-distributionclip