Videodrome -
June 20, 19h - 31mn
La Tête Qui Tourne5mn30 color stéréo 2003 Franceby Emmanuelle SarrouySinging and dancing with the merry-go-round. Deconstructing a sequence shot. Working on the rythm.self-productionself-distribution[ pr. perception ]clip
Par delà le bien et le mal8mn10 color stéréo 2002 Franceby Suzel RocheThis video is the account made by images of the moment I understand theses words of Nietzsche. I was shooting in a slaughter-house, featuring the muslim rituel. It was hard and natural, it was complexed to understand but in the same time I try to understand this I began to understand me. And by the strength of random, I fell on a little village, near the slaughter-house whose name is mine.self-productionself-distribution[ pr. space ]clip
Flammes nues5mn10 color stéréo 2003 Franceby Jean Paul NoguèsNaked flames : Apparitions in the heart of the burning and rhythmic ritual of flames, of fire, of dance, of a woman.self-productionself-distribution[ pr. movement ]clip
III12mn color stéréo 2003 Franceby Jean-Luc Gergonne"III" is a work about matter, light and speed, by triturating images as ifthey were sounds. A flash, a color or darkness almost become audible shapes.self-productionself-distribution[ pr. perception ]clip