Lices -
July 1, 20h30 & July 4, 16h
films - 47mn
La vie quotidienne4mn color stéréo 2001 Franceby Boris du BoullayAfter Things life (1996). Everyday life describes daily things around me in my flat (fridge, books, bed, clothes, food, keys, "I am looking the sky by my window, and I watch it to go through".self-productionself-distributionclip
I am (not) Seen5mn color stéréo 2003 Japanby Takahiko IimuraMade for the Opening piece of "Seing/Hearing/Speaking", realizing a sentence of French philosopher, Jacques Derrida : "I hear myself at the same time that I hear." What Derrida concerns is "Hearing / Speaking", but I extended to "Seeing" combining all three perceptions together. The Opening section deals with "Seeing" including the sentences as "I see you", "I am not seen", which are superimposed over the pictures of a face, eyes, and a face in the frames, etc. All the frame shots.self-productionself-distributionclip
La caméra aveugle, la pensée captive2mn50 color stéréo 2002 Franceby Suzel RocheThis video is a littlt movie about an extract of consideration on what mean "to see" or "to be blind". With the light of Ghérasim Luca, a rouman poet, I speak about a battle of camera : two people are face to face, they both shot the people in face, like a mirror. Their camera are blind because their thought are caught, "like everything which turns around itself,... which turns around Goodness and Badness".self-productionself-distributionclip
Projet Jaune Cadmium35mn color stéréo 2002 Franceby Luc Vancheri & Sandrik DmitrieffIt's based on the idea of, on one hand, reading the flashing epiphanies of commercials as a possibility or a beginning to an history of the human body and movies forms. And on the other hand, reconsidering the ability of cinematographic pictures to describe, analyse, and develop theories on the reality and themselves.self-productionself-distributionclip