
July 1
20h30 "Raw urgency with a webcam" by Véronique Duhaut - 45mn

@ Véronique Duhaut

Art video experimental webcam
5mn15, color, stereo, 2002
Made in 2002, during the between two rounds of the presidential election. Sound creation composed of media overkill, volontarily mixed to saturation, like the situation. This scrambling, which prevents the democratic expression of body and thought, becomes a butterfly that tries to take off. Angry video. (video presentable as installation)
Sound :s media mix.

Au cri de la vague
1mn06, color, stereo, 2003
Visual sound creation on the oneiric theme of salted water. (video presentable as installation)
Sound : ocean mix

Entre nos mains
0mn55, color, sil, 2002
Hands, in a mechanical gesture, of beating or crushing... (video presentable as installation)
Autoportrait rouge
3mn01, color, sil, 2002
Direct experimentation, in front of and with the webcam. (video presentable as installation)

4mn30, color, stereo, 2002
Musical self-portrait... (video presentable as installation)
Son :Smoke city

Arbres à bâtons rompus
6mn14, color, stereo, 2004
An ambulatory capture, made as part of an installation by Pierre-Yves Freund, in the Valley of Jabron in the spring of 2004. A frantic and rhythmic race to find plaster sticks scattered amongst countryside. (video presentable as installation)
Son : musical creation

4mn02, color, stereo, 2003
Sapho and the Orchestra of Nazareth filmed at Nanterre, in 2003, timeless images of Sapho as Sheherazad, images that are both avant garde and references of the past, notably german expressionism. A Sheherazad from ancient times who bring us into more current times... (video presentable as installation)
Sound : Sapho and the Orchestra of Nazareth

1mn58, color, sil, 2002
Horse movement, with a small homage for the artist Francis Bacon... (video presentable as installation)
Bouscardon rave
6mn54, color, stereo, 2002
Experience of live ambulatory capture with a webcam at a rave party, in the stable at Bouscardon of St Rémy in provence. The idea was not one of distinguishing people but to work on the rhythm and the images... (video presentable as installation)
Sound : Noir désir and Dee Joy

Triptyque Vidéos ex-péri-mentales
color, sil, 2004
ex-peri-mental self portraits, in front of the webcam without editing. (videos presentable as installation)
Agitations : 1st partie. Running time : 0mn48
Déconstruction : 2nd part. Running time : 1mn41
Disparition : 3rd part. Running time : 0mn12

Véronique Duhaut
Digital photograph, visual arts artist, videographer
Born in 1960, lives and works in Avignon.
Since childhood, my eyes seize images amongst everyday life here and elsewhere. My encounter with the arts, through theatre and dance quickly lit and triggered the fixing and development of my eye. Onto film in that period!
With the changing of the times, from film to digital, I explore the successive photographic techniques, with film and sound. Self-taught: equipped with the most common apparatus, from which I invent my proper procedures. Thus instinctively constructing and bringing to light, a personal imagery, expressionist or oneiric, translating the inexpressible, torment and hope.
Each image is for me the representation of an ineffable emotion, because there are no longer any possible words at that moment.
My research is that of jostling the watcher, sowing doubt in his gaze, retaining it, taking it elsewhere and making it talk.
I like the interrogation in front of an image. Don't say to much, let sensations and disorder open the doors...
18 rue Neuvilly
84000 Avignon France
tel. : 04 90 87 15 13 or 04 88 61 13 08
mobile : 06 13 56 28 66