Lices -
July 3, 17h30 & July 5, 19h
films - 70mn
a View±3.19mn30 color stéréo 2006 USAby So Young YangA human habitat, cars, roads, a church, factories, etc,—some of the epitomizing elements of [re]development are inadvertently situated together at the edge of this nameless city in South Korea. “Modernization” in the form of eradication has been our virtue during the latter half of the last century. The “new” prevails over everything, hence, the imminent death of the small rice field. This is an accolade to the being that represents perseverance.self-productionself-distributionclip
Movement 22mn52 color stéréo 2007 Belgiumby Alexandra DementievaSketch about movements and sound.self-productionself-distributionclip
Dress Birthday1mn33 color stéréo 2008 Franceby Houssam HarfoucheA dress unused for a long time, get out for breathing.self-productionself-distributionclip
Muybridge 2.03mn b/w stéréo 2007 Spainby Gonzalo De Pedro AmatriaWhat if Edward Muybridge raise his head? He would find a world full of bytes, zeroes and ones, dancing at dusk, maddened horses and apocalyptic sounds.self-productionself-distributionclip
172 souls on grey4mn15 color stéréo 2007 Germanyby Joerg WolffFor round about 45 minutes a freeway was closed for 172 drivers and passengers to act a choreography in front of 3 fixed cameras in different positions. A choreography of amorphous humans: we can’t see them, but we can see the suggestions. epilepsy warning: persons with an epilepsy addiction: this dvd contains extreme flashing pictures.self-productionself-distributionclip
Violence0mn50 color stéréo 2008 Franceby HELLAIMORTHTrailer 2.self-productionself-distributionclip
Living land4mn13 color stéréo 2008 Portugalby Jonathan FrancoThe picture of a field taken in mid fifties slightly changes itself thru time as it witnesses the passing of various generations of families that inhabit it. Presently it is a city occupied by a larger and diversified population that have altered completely the landscape in a few decades. Land is like a living creature that naturally changes its shape very slowly. This work is about the memory of a land and how we relate to it as time goes by. The field appears to be always the same as if averse to any kind of change.self-productionself-distributionclip
menSonges10mn color stéréo 2008 Franceby Gérard CairaschiCinema and dream are both the most frequent relations we have with illusions and lies. Dream reconstitutes the world, and cinema "the daydream" interprets the appearance of things. Art and cinema, the means through which dream finds its way back to reality, art and dreams, also lies that tell the truth. In The "Odyssey" (canto IX), Ulysses, called "the prince of the liars" starts the story of his journey. Coming from the oral tradition, The Odyssey bears the mark of an archaïc dream, that of the impossible and constantly postponed return to one' own or the object of one's desire. The trace of a wandering among one's dreams and lies. Lies and dreams as beneficial products and medium of the "roaming of our senses".self-productionself-distributionclip
Anticipation11mn43 color & b/w stéréo 2007 Franceby Johanna VaudeLike a nightmare, "Anticipation" is a film about alienation, paranoia and mental confusion where human being tries to find the strength to resist to an inhuman scenario’s society.self-productionself-distributionclip
Fashion Death4mn37 color stéréo 2007 Spainby Daniel RodrigoIt isn’t absurd that the death worries about his physical appearance and be scared of the social exclusion? It isn’t absurd that the death being consumer without taking care of the ecological balance, the distribution of the richness and the pollution? It isn’t absurd that the death being reflect in the human defects/faults? Humans, humans, what is that? Absurds, in an absurd world. Fashion death plays with the cult of the image, the physical apparence and herself. Fashion death is metaphoric and pardoxical, dark and funny, inanimated and human. If you are unhappy with your figure during the centuries and you are immortal,you kill yourself? And if your are mortal, divine and cool you will extinguish anyway,....self-productionself-distributionclip
Interstate (part two)4mn color stéréo 2007 USAby Jason Cortlund & Julia HalperinInterstate (part two) uses a Choubi-style pop song from Iraq, Oh Mother, The Handsome Man Tortures Me, as the basis for a caged tiger dance video. The original 40-second source clip has been manually remixed for time and syncopation with the song’s gunfire-inspired beat.self-productionself-distributionclip
Vivre vite1mn45 color stéréo 2008 Franceby Yves-Marie Mahédid you like bus ?self-productiondistribution : Light Coneclip
D- Bit5mn07 color sil 2008 Franceby Sylvain LegrandVibrascopic : ocular vibro-massage from vibrascopic code structure.self-productionself-distributionclip
tree stain man (hommage to stan)4mn12 color sil 2007 Belgiumby Peter SnowdonAn experimental round dance in three movements, composed using footage of trees taken in Oxford in spring 2001. My first ever roll of Kodachrome 40. A homage to the life-in-work of Stan Brakhage.self-productionself-distributionclip