Videodrome 2/ 49 Cours Julien 13006 Marseille tel. 33 4 91 42 75 41
Thursday July 7, 17h15 & Saturday July 9, 19h
free price
films - 70mn
Passe-Pied6mn43 color stéréo 2016 Franceby Roselyne Frick MThe passe-pied is a dance that alternates two parts. The first is a movement, march or galop. The second takes place on site, with the specific steps that characterize it. The passe-pied also means the music that accompanies and rhythm the dance.self-productionself-distributionclip
Écrans1mn06 color stéréo 2015 Canadaby Anne GoldenWindows become screens.self-productiondistribution : Groupe Intervention Vidéoclip
Corridor3mn32 color dolby stéréo 2015 Franceby Yves-Marie MahéComings and goings in a dark corridor.self-productiondistribution : Light Coneclip
Leave sth in your wake3mn52 color stéréo 2015 Australiaby David Anthony SantAs the wave of demolition and construction continues its unrelenting sweep across Sydney, its population, wise to the shenanigans of politicians and developers, knows too well that this physical transformation is the measure of a society increasingly polarised racially, religiously and economically. To stake a claim in the midst of change is to seize fragments of and piece together moving imagery that responds to the visual clutter disseminated by a city in transmutation.self-productionself-distributionclip
Win-Nip-Egg4mn12 color stéréo 2015 Canadaby LamathildeWhen a state phantomizes a population, creating another reality. When history disfigures the face of truth. When my story meets another story. When women disappear without trace. While white and privileged, I witness a repetition of stories. When violence against women's bodies equals violence from the use of words. The bodies of those we do not want to see or hear. From my studio window, I look out and my life crosses theirs.self-productiondistribution : Groupe Intervention Vidéoclip
Queen of Hearts1mn21 color stéréo 2016 USAby Dan NadanerA vision in old age has some resemblance
to the heightened fantasies of youth.self-productionself-distributionclip
E11_X9mn18 color stéréo 2016 United Kingdomby Tessa GarlandTessa Garland's video E11_X engages directly with a public space. Here she locates herself and others, through found activity occurring around her. In the editing process, she has teased out threads of imagined narratives that focus our attention to ideas surrounding data surveillance through the use of mobile technology. self-productionself-distributionclip
Okepasela4mn33 color stéréo 2015 Japanby Kotaro TanakaMaterials used in this video are what people regards as mistakes when they take pictures.
A camera is controlled as moving at the constant speed so a photographer has no choice to see images being made one after another.self-productionself-distributionclip
Pace1mn54 b/w stéréo 2016 USAby Dan NadanerA visualization of the problem of finding pace, in the outer and inner world, both in the sense of speed and of peace.self-productionself-distributionclip
Tierra Quemada / Burned Land8mn31 color stéréo 2015 Canadaby Gabriela GolderCerro Mariposa - Valparaiso
-The remaining houses were these ones, not up there, but here. They looked nice, yes, but after the fire started all the rabbits that lived here perished. The fire was very high. It was as if the world was going to end.- The Chilean police claim that it was because of two birds. At 4pm on Saturday April 12, two birds fell on a power line crossing El Peral, on the outskirts of Valpariason. The wind was very strong and shook the cables. The birds were electrocuted. Sparks fell and ignited the pastures. The fire had begun. The south wind pushed the fire and the earth was burned.self-productiondistribution : Groupe Intervention Vidéoclip
4min15 au révélateur4mn44 color stéréo 2015 Canadaby Moïa Jobin-ParéA young woman and an urban landscape interact with each other. Developing images and intricacies by scratching and sewing them on again. Mixed techniques. self-productiondistribution : La Bande Vidéoclip
Your contribution16mn09 color dolby stéréo 2016 United Kingdomby Thomas Cardewa certain diatribe ... a voice from the top talking to the bottom ... control. consume. disengage. check out. indifference. if capitalism had a voice ... a voice honest to it's own intent and desire &, more importantly, it's manipulation of those who labour, those columns that prop up its glistening palace ...self-productionself-distributionclip