by P'Silo & Les Inattendus
Videodrome 2/ 49 Cours Julien 13006 Marseille tel. 33 4 91 42 75 41
Tuesday July 3, 21h program To shot the transe - 6 films, 80'
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To shot the transe
"This program brings together six works - mostly done during the last decade - on the theme of trance, the corporal and spiritual phenomenon that appears in specific social-cultural contexts (religious cults, pagan celebrations or ancestral rites). Exceeding the current craze for new spiritualities, this set of films reflects the diversity of artistic practices and the fruitfulness of their cross-breeding with sciences such as anthropology, musicology or parapsychology. Whether they are made by documentary filmmakers, videographers or contemporary artists, in collaboration with acousticians, dancers or anthropologists, the films chosen explore the motifs of the trance to offer a singular vision, be it spectacular, sensual, contemplative or emotional. They place themselves in the direct line of the pioneering work of Jean Rouch, Maya Deren or Raymonde Carasco who, combining the scientific rigor of the field study, the methodological experimentation and the artistic sensibility, designed the first masterpieces cinematographic trance. In their wake, these works disrupt the norms and boundaries of traditional documentary, move away from the ethnographic cinema to develop new forms able to reveal the multiple energies of the filmed subjects. Breaking our habits and questioning the place of the spectator, the artists propose an immersive and shared approach of the trance placed under the mode of sensation. To discover these new bodies animated by archaic forces, crossed by musical or spiritual intensities, we will travel from Mexico to Italy, from Indonesia to France."

DE DENTRO FROM THE INNER de Peter-Conrad Beyer
Allemagne, 2006, 16mm > Num, 11'
This film, which was mainly shot in Mexico, deals with the spiritual power of this country, which can be found in both the nature and in its people. De dentro attempts to portray or conjure up the atmosphere of various rituals of the shamanic Maya and Huicholes tradition at a documentary and physical level.

France, 2007, super 8, Vidéo > Num, 19'
In the region of Apulia in southern Italy, a pagan celebration recovered by the Church takes place. The Tarantella is the dance / trance caused by the bite of a spider: the tarantula. At the rhythm of the tambourines, the guitars and the violins, the musicians try to reproduce the sound emitted by the spider during its bite. The belief is that the music played allows the patient to expel the evil by dancing.

USA, 1945, 16mm > Num, 3'
A STUDY IN CHOREOGRAPHY FOR THE CAMERA attempts to free the dancer from the static space of a theatre by transporting him towards a space that is as mobile and volatile as himself. It is a duet between Talley Beatty, the dancer, and the space he is in thanks to the collaboration of the camera and the film's editing .

WAIFEN MAIDEN + CONSUME de Dominic Angerame
USA, 2003, 16mm, 12'45
Inspired by the novel FLICKER by Theodore Roszak, this film was
intended to explore the images captured in the flickering light of
multiple projector beams. By utilizing superimpositions within the
camera, one could experience the pulsating light and explore hidden
imagery through use of the "Sally Rand" that Roszak refers to.
However, once production began... The projector beams began to put both
myself and my actress into a trance state due to the strobe light it
presented... The resulting film turned into a trance by natural
evolution and in essence the film becomes even more...
It becomes an exploration into oneself and the sense of seeing and
being at the same time...both an inward journey and an outward one...

REAK & Transe chamanique soudanaise de Julien Hairon
France, 2016, Num, 25'
The young men's spirits are exchanged for something invisible but wild. The shaman induces them into a deep trance. He transforms their state of human consciousness into a state of animal consciousness. Their identities change to the point of unrestrained beastliness. These young men are under the singular influence of the shaman and will remain so as long as he desires. From the outskirts of Bandung in West Java in Indonesia comes REAK, a ritual from an animistic past clinging to an urban present.

MERE JEANNE DES ANGES de Jean-Baptiste Lenglet
France, 2008, Num, 9''
Mère Jeanne des Anges is a video palindrome on Louduns mass possessions. It is a work of found-footage: I took a plan of Jerry Kawalerowiczs film: Mother Jeanne of the Angels (1961), and I gradually eroded it, until reaching a climax - a formal interpretation of the experiment of the possession: the black and white image of original film clashes convulsively, drools and contorts, under the gaze of the spectator.
Les Inattendus
Les Inattendus [ ], is an association that promotes the visibility and the recognition of a "(very) independant cinema".
Its mission is to reveal the diversity and the profusion of contemporary creativity by supporting various cinematographic gestures that differ from the norm in their themes, in their size, and in their artistic intention.
The association has a biennial festival and organises projections in several cinemas in Lyon, as well as outdoors projections in summer with its "Toiles". It also has a worskshop.
Since 1995, Les Inattendus is interested in the links between the city and its social and cultural creativity and its visual or audio representations, through two different ways :
- With some workshops in schools, or with the inhabitants of the areas of Guillotière and Gerland.
- Through various initiatives such as a biennial festival and regular projections dedicated to documentaries, experimental cinema, performances, and so on.