July 14, 17h30 & July 17, 19h
Théâtre des Chartreux 105, avenue des Chartreux / 13004 Marseille tel. 33 4 91 50 18 90
films - 70mn
Familistère12mn08 color stéréo 2008 Franceby Yves-Marie MahéHuman nature is such that parents love their children more than the other way around. This film explains why.self-productiondistribution : Light Coneclip
« PATRIE »1mn21 color stéréo 2009 Franceby Flo ArrieuA plan unique sequence plays on acceleration and a slowing down in link with the soundtrack. The importance of the visible and of the hiding is illustrated by fleeting pictures of vegetables, of wire nettings, of houses or road panels. These are filmed frontalement.
The soundtrack is a collage of several film clips in voice-over.
12:125mn color & b/w stéréo 2009 Canadaby Karina MarianoNew York, New Year's Day 2005, and the find of Super 8 images , in connection with a forgotten heartbreak. Madrid 2009, my best friend cries in public because of a guy. But it does not matter where and how, we are always there. Until death.self-productiondistribution : Groupe Intervention Vidéoclip
Comprenne qui voudra ! / For those who want to understand !2mn color stéréo 2009 Franceby Emmanuelle SarrouyA short film shot in order to participate to the collective one Outrage et Rébellion.
It’s not part of it, and it keeps eventually its autonomy (ou home rule). A graphic and musical short film that speaks to our senses.
A short film that is a tribute to Joachim Gatti’s Eye and to incessant struggles that we must lead. A short film that shouts : don’t give up !
A long cry against violence and injustice.
production : Endogènedistribution : Endogèneclip
Epileptica5mn46 color stéréo 2009 Sloveniaby Matej KolmankoA short experimental video collage to the subject of human anatomy. Recycled and in stereo.self-productionself-distributionclip
Dame de Nage3mn45 color & b/w stéréo 2009 Franceby Antoine MisereyOn a boat with reams(trains), the rowlock is an object serving to fix a ream(train). During the movement of the rower, she(it) plays the role of pivot and transfers to the boat the reaction created by the blow of ream(train). Prisoner of the time(weather) which stays. Here is come the hour of its departure.
He(It) watches the others living. He(it) ' imagines where they go.self-productionself-distributionclip
Surplus5mn40 color stéréo 2008 Serbiaby DoplgengerFormally intervening with found footage of commercials, this experimental video allows one to rethink image while creating narrative which discovers one of many skillfully covered senses of media images. As the title suggests this video performs Lacan's opinion that in contemporary capitalism 'surplus value' is no longer capitalized for later libidinal enjoyment - nowadays surplus value is re-invested in production process.production : Doplgengerdistribution : Doplgengerclip
à portée de main2mn45 b/w sil 2009 Franceby Jean Paul NoguèsMen at work build a road. With pavements. Contribution to the collective film OUTRAGE & REBELLION for Joachim Gatti, victim of the police violence.production : Endogènedistribution : Endogèneclip
La logique de la survie5mn20 color stéréo 2008 Argentinaby Gabriela GolderOr the execution of a failed project. A multitude of people rush to receive food. A young man is brutally repressed. This video is made up of three scenes that look at the failure of any reconstruction project.self-productiondistribution : Groupe Intervention Vidéoclip
Politi overalt2mn37 b/w sil 2009 Franceby Carole ThibaudClimate summit. Copenhagen. December 2009.self-productionself-distributionclip
Indie4mn35 color stéréo 2009 Canadaby Anne GoldenThe voice of an omnipresent refrigerator takes over. An animal appears. Anthropomorphism and domesticity. self-productiondistribution : Groupe Intervention Vidéoclip
Black's Back12mn color & b/w stéréo 2009 Franceby Derek Woolfenden"Black's Back" is a subjective vision about a figurative struggle between a White imaginary (Hollywood, Disney) and the Black revendications in the fifties, sixties and seventies in USA. This movie is a tribute to the Black Revolution and a sad testimony about misery and injustice from capitalist governments dispite the Black Panther Party's warnings.self-productionself-distributionclip
« Feux de la lampe »1mn31 b/w stéréo 2009 Franceby Flo ArrieuUnique static shot, lighted by a high-key maximum, overexposes a person sat and immobile. Only the breathing of subject assures that they view well a video, the time when lasts of the sonore band. The film ends by one low-key, instant when the character leaves and puts the searchlight out.
Janiceps7mn15 color & b/w stéréo 2010 Franceby Augustin GimelCinematographic Siameses. The music, immaterial by nature, becomes the concrete bond linking projected films. Gathered twins, creatures with two faces, such Janus.self-productionself-distributionclip
« Road movie »0mn21 color stéréo 2009 Franceby Flo ArrieuStatic shot filmed by the interieur of a car. A lorry charged with straw, a road, nothing
if it is not the question setting of a voice-over.