In January 2012 the selection below will complement the video library ICN.
Video library P'Silo at the videodrome 8 rue Vian / 13006 Marseille 15h to 19h except holidays.
video library P'Silo 2011 / title :::: 156 films,
128 authors, 25 countries
New Zealand/
Republic of Ireland/
South Korea/
United Kingdom/
...niland 29mn56 color stéréo 2011 Germanyby Marius Leneweit & Rocio Rodriguez"..niland 2" tells about the adaptation and transformation of man to a life
beneath the water surface. The interface of air and water functions as the indicator of a climate influenced by humanity, raises questions regarding the ambivalence of the symbiosis human-environment and examines the stringent concurrence of climate change and cultural change.self-productionself-distribution
18627mn15 color stéréo 2011 Franceby Philippe RouyOur future is exhausted. We are liberated from time. Like animals.self-productionself-distribution
19, Espíritu Santo (Andalucía )19mn color & b/w stéréo 2010 Franceby Philippe CoteIn the beginning, there were your words, which you wrote me to initiate the pictures to do, far away, alone, down there in Seville and Andalusia.
Then, after a first silent editing... the film would at last find its final form, an intimate essay and standing between your voice, a selection of Antonio Gamoneda's poems, to listen, and my pictures. (Philippe Cote)self-productionself-distribution
201 cartes postales vidéo mobiles120mn color mono 2010 Franceby Dominik LangeSo I had the idea of producing a series of romantic paintings, a pictorial stroll in Paris, a wandering aimlessly displayed, if not to provide a projection support to inner visions, movements of interiority confronted to the current means and technical exchanges and jetable communications, so finally the mobile phone which is the best avatar, an icon of our endless consumption? I do not know if my intentions are very clear, but the images speak for themselves and with less verbiage?self-productionself-distribution
Acrobate6mn50 color stéréo 2011 Franceby Yves-Marie MahéLimits doesn't exist.self-productiondistribution : Light Cone
All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.4mn26 color & b/w stéréo 2010 Serbiaby Milica aka mcm-639 Mijacevic-CarevicThis video is about hypocrisy of modern society, about new world order and new democracy, about freedom and illusion, politic and politicians, human rights and equality.self-productionself-distribution
Amphësis8mn50 color & b/w stéréo 2011 Franceby Philippe BrioudeAt the edge of the pier...self-productiondistribution : Light Cone
An Informal Gaze (Una mirada informal)9mn38 color stéréo 2010 Mexicoby Ilana Boltvinik & Rodrigo Viñas & Mariana MañonThe art piece is conceived as an action, the selling of Mexican garbage in Copenhagen and Danish garbage in Mexico City. It is an appropriation of small pieces of public space that emulate street selling as to engage people in transit with this public dynamic.self-productionself-distribution
Analysis8mn color stéréo 2010 Canadaby Jackie Gallant"Analysis" questions the relationship between language, metaphor, macro and micro states through the investigation of comprehension. The video is layered with words, meanings and landscapes, offering a site to analyze grammatical relationships by studying the structure as a whole.self-productiondistribution : Groupe Intervention Vidéo
Animal Edge3mn30 color stéréo 2011 Germanyby Andrés MeléndezSeparation from our animality is not entirely consumed and is still continuing,til the moment the repression is broken, and shows a hidden nature.self-productionself-distribution
Anoxi: la synthèse 6mn32 color dolby stéréo 2009 Canadaby Pavitra WickramasingheRemix of a triptych produced over 4 years, the work assemble sounds and visuals synthesis in a narrative composition on the suffocation caused by the lack of oxygen. Theorists of digital art have discussed the similarity of precinematic and postcinematic practices (such as early chronophotograhy and Quicktime video clips). The abstractions created by Robin Dupuis, such as Anoxi, can be understood as examining this connection in an aesthetic manner, but following and creating new forms and rhythms with the possibilites of the digital instrument. In Anoxi the elements in the picture are melting into new forms, separating and coming together in continuous transformation and variation. - Mika Taanila, Avanto, Helsinki
production : Perte de Signalself-distribution
Après coup12mn color mono 2009 Franceby Boris du BoullayIs cinema an enough concrete theory as well I can take a bath to try to forget all that stuff?self-productiondistribution : Light Cone
Après le feu7mn09 color stéréo 2010 Franceby Jacques PerconteA few miles from Ajaccio, Corsica, burnt land is buckling under the weight of its colors. The ground is falling apart, releasing pictorial energies that take over the sky. I'm staring at the vanishing skyline. The train keeps on rolling...production : Triptyque Filmsself-distribution
Atome5mn57 color stéréo 2010 Moroccoby Hicham QaidiI go down by the stairs of a ruined house, I climb a desert hill, I walk through a landscape hit by earthquake...self-productionself-distribution
Au déjeuner, les colibris étaient bègues3mn45 color & b/w stéréo 2010 Canadaby Danielle RaymondMemories made up of family archives, radio archives of Expo 67 and the voice of a woman trying to remember the place, atmosphere and context.
In a space that feels domestic, a fireplace and sofa serve as backdrop for different portraits, the reunion of two sisters and a parade of hats. Outside, a crack in a wall reveals a picnic lunch. Images are captured through a 'recorder-projector', a device created by the artist.self-productiondistribution : Groupe Intervention Vidéo
Augustus3mn43 color stéréo 2010 Moroccoby Hicham QaidiA stunt that challenges the low of gravity when he drives his motorcycle along the death wall.self-productionself-distribution
Babayan2mn58 color stéréo 2010 Canadaby Anne GoldenAt twilight, a camera glides along a ridge between two valleys. The sounds from the landscape forge a link between the viewer and the horizon.self-productiondistribution : Groupe Intervention Vidéo
Bacteria10mn color stéréo 2010 Indiaby Aditi Kulkarni"Bacteria"- A state of mind in the given space-time model.self-productionself-distribution
Before War (Avant la Guerre)5mn40 color stéréo 2010 USAby Jared KatsianeBoston, 1951: uncle Tommy makes home movies… then brings along his camera as a soldier in the Korean War.self-productionself-distribution
being shot5mn color stéréo 2010 United Kingdomby Guli SilbersteinA video of a handcuffed blindfolded man detained by soldiers on the street, and dreamlike images of abstract shapes and patterns in rocks and water, are synthesised by a distortion of the video signal, creating unsettling confusion and linkage between the tragic and the poetic, and between different uses of the sense of vision.self-productionself-distribution
Belle9mn color stéréo 2010 Portugalby Daria Baiocchi & Luis FernandesIt grew up as a collaboration between two artists: Luis Fernandes and Daria Baiocchi. Music is straight connected to images. A video who deals with subtly meanings, apparently without any understanding of the Beauty itself but with an irreplaceable essence. One beauty full of beauteous, lightness and transparency. A video about visual languages overlaid by dreams and magnetic rushes covered by an inception on this idyllic mirror, featured on the landscape of reality…self-productionself-distribution
Belsunce fragments20mn color mono 2010 Franceby Anne-Marie LallementHow to describe in a few clips, the Belsunce area in Marseille (the central district of maghrebine migration) just throuh the daily life of "chibanis" (old algerians), the blowing of the mistral wind, and the evolution of this very area.self-productionself-distribution
Beyond1mn03 color stéréo 2011 Romaniaby George DorobantuShort urban visual poem witnessed in Bucharest. Beyond dense gliding walls of human traffic, right under the surface of eye-level communication magma, an old soul awaits.self-productionself-distribution
Black Salt Water Elegy16mn b/w dolby stéréo 2010 Canadaby Solomon NaglerA short film that weaves together original and archival material to create an ethereal narrative texture, "Black Saltwater Elegy" intimately links the discordant threads of a popular history of dispossession (Africville) with the solitude of its protagonist's graveyard-shift fantasies. After opening with disquieting archival footage of the demolition of Africville, the film shifts to an austere observational portrait. A palatable sense of the duration of midnight work slowly shifts into subtle gestures that hint towards choreographed events. Eventually, a breech occurs as the protagonist fuses with an emergent dreamscape, where ruined landscapes and the resurrection of an extinct community intertwine. Using the protagonist's disembodied point of view, the audience floats above a reconstructed Africville, one forever present, nesting in a bed of saltwater fog.self-productionself-distribution
Blue Black Berlin7mn20 color stéréo 2009 Germanyby Ana BilankovAn idyllic night promenade along the Berlin Spree with ships and walkers turns into a fictive, potentially catastrophic and threatening scenario. The dramatization of the abstract narrative is reinforced through the sound.self-productionself-distribution
C'est l'histoire d'un loup1mn35 color stéréo 2011 Franceby Fabrice GuérinonVisit in the zoo.self-productionself-distribution
Capitol Symmetry8mn20 color sil 2010 USAby Neil NeedlemanThis video is about symmetry. First, the subject matter is symmetrical: the Capitol Plaza in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. Second, I flipped the footage on itself, so the scenes in the frame are symmetrical. Third, the temporal structure of the video is symmetrical: the overlapping scenes progress to the midway point and then they flow in reverse to the beginning (now the end). self-productionself-distribution
ceci est une bobine test3mn b/w sil 2010 Greeceby Matoula Eolou Gekko"An Athens walkabout with a Super 8 camera in search of contact with people on the street, becomes an instant collective project. The nostalgic gaze is reciprocal, from the camera to its subjects and vice versa. Eolou Gekko seems to merge with the subjects of her film and in the background the city is desired as a paradise lost." V. Bourikasself-productionself-distribution
Comme un vent qui nous pousse dans le dos19mn color stéréo 2010 Franceby Caroline BeuretAn alarm, a road, a shout. That speaks about time period. You never can tell when it finishes. Where is it, what we did not forget?self-productionself-distribution
Con Amore3mn34 color stéréo 2009 Canadaby Pavitra WickramasingheA breathless body, articulated through a surgical dissection of time. Like a collection of fragments, a being grown increasingly fractured—likely as it searches for itself, for the moments it is made of. Then the intensity of the cry, until the pain is exhausted. An act of desperation, pulverized, until man finally becomes machine, a mechanical monster. And yet, the universe stays put.production : Perte de Signaldistribution : Perte de signal
Continuum6mn color dolby stéréo 2009 Italyby Devis Venturelli"Continuum" illustrates temporary transformations of a body in the urban environment.self-productionself-distribution
Couleurs1mn35 color stéréo 2010 Franceby Yves-Marie MahéColors.self-productiondistribution : Light Cone
Courant appauvri (Strombomben)2mn38 color stéréo 2009 Franceby Franziska OtzelbergerNuclear waste is used for weapons of mass destruction.self-productionself-distribution
Crooked Beauty30mn color & b/w stéréo 2010 USAby Ken Paul Rosenthal"Crooked Beauty" is a poetic documentary that chronicles artist-writer Jacks McNamara's transformative journey from psych ward patient to pioneering mental health advocacy. Poignant testimonials connect the fissures and fault lines of human nature to the unstable topography and mercurial weather patterns of the San Francisco Bay Area.self-productionself-distribution
Dérive6mn30 color stéréo 2010 Franceby Inés Wickmann"Dérive" carries a glance on the environmental questions of a planet in full upheaval. A threat through inopportune appearances leads to a process which is damaged in a deep spiral. However, the life continues…
Research/Creation Grant, Canada Council for the Arts.self-productionself-distribution
Domestic Rhythms6mn color & b/w stéréo 2009 USAby Jeremy NewmanThis video begins with Rapunzel’s fairy tale wedding. Selected clips from the children’s animation depict her marriage falling apart. Newsreel footage of fashion models and sequences from a film about communication technology are linked to the witch. The implication is that the mass media casts a spell that disenchants viewers.self-productionself-distribution
dont touch me please40mn color & b/w stéréo 2010 Franceby Shanti MasudA speechless film, both musical and sexy. One theme: seduction... Characters who play tricks (magic trocks sometimes). Each one has its own reverse shot, its own "other one", its own (or almost) song, like a fiction (a setting) around a character.production : La vie est belle films self-distribution
doppelganger4mn13 b/w stéréo 2009 Canadaby Micheline DurocherThis recent experimental video is inspired by the autobiography of Goethe, conveying the uncanny feeling of being confronted with your double coming toward you.self-productionself-distribution
Dualism2mn15 color stéréo 2010 Swedenby Anders WebergVideo and Sound by Anders Weberg. Sink - swim. Fire - water. Life - death. Real - abstract.production : Recycled Image Studioself-distribution
dustin!9mn29 color stéréo 2009 Germanyby the[video]Flaneu®Berlin, gendarmenmarkt, february 4, 2003, 8:31 pm, under-zero temperature. The "golden camera" awards ceremony. in some minutes, dustin hoffman will be honored with the "lifetime achievement film award"... Security guys, profi and amateur cameramans, funs, are waiting of his coming... a (non) spectacular documentary, taken with a normal digital video apparatus, investigates the human reactions on glamour, star system and fame...self-productionself-distribution
Eclipse24mn color stéréo 2010 Spainby Alberte PagánTime passes. Life flows. Nature completes a cycle of life and death. Eve and Adam correct the myth of the tree of knowledge: the forbidden fruit makes them wise. Baroque symphony of light and colour. There is no digital manipulation: all the effects are created analogically by the camera.self-productionself-distribution
Einschnitte 2mn22 color sil 2011 Canadaby Lina RodriguezAn afternoon with Viennese statues.self-productionself-distribution
Electric Garden3mn30 color stéréo 2009 Canadaby Micheline Durocher"Electric Garden" is constructed upon one continuous pan of the edges and outlines of the female body and elicits the idea of the well established erotic theme in art, the reclining nude. Rendered in rich and vibrant colours, it transfers the imagery of the undressed observed reclining woman to a visual representation of woman’s own satisfaction.self-productionself-distribution
Eloge de la raison25mn color stéréo 2010 Franceby Waël NoureddineA plunge into the mental world of a drug addict which echoes the chaos around him.self-productionself-distribution
Ely14mn color dolby stéréo 2011 USAby Andrea Dojmi & Lorenzo Bona"Ely" has been a space mission, the last of the Space Era. "Ely" was the woman I loved before leaving the Earth. "Ely" was a young girl, maybe mine. "Ely", the far away planet I've orbited around for years. "Ely" became the name of planet Earth. Once back the Sun's light was just like it had been when as kids we used to observe the dust in the thin air of our indian summer. Once back the time hadn't come yet to understand, cry or remember.self-productionself-distribution
Everyman's Dream11mn color stéréo 2010 Serbiaby Doplgenger"Everyman's Dream" is experimental video that represents super-modern allegory placed in the most globalized phenomena – nonplace of shopping center. Video's structure derives from medieval morality plays of "Everyman" and is based upon motive of fictional dream vision which enables one to undertake the journey of seeing beyond...self-productionself-distribution
Faustino 19366mn color sil 2010 Spainby Alberte PagánFaustino is not in the photograph but is the reason for the photograph. Faustino emigrates to Argentina. He will get married, have children, lose his wife, be murdered. Faustino asks his family for a photograph. The only extant photograph of the whole family. Except for Faustino.self-productionself-distribution
Favorite Things16mn color stéréo 2010 Franceby Pouria HosseinpourThe erotic encounter between two bodies and the frenetic rythm of free jazz.production : Mandrake filmsself-distribution
Fear thy not2mn20 color mono 2010 Franceby Sophie ShermanA girl sings a strange song and enters a dark tunnel.production : Le Fresnoyself-distribution
Follow Me1mn30 color stéréo 2010 Germanyby Melanie BeisswengerImages and sounds flow together, like fleeting thoughts shooting through the mind. This experimental video combines images, movement and sound to a pulsating unit, taking us on a journey into the unknown.self-productionself-distribution
Follow Your Skin4mn37 color stéréo 2010 Republic of Irelandby Ocusonic"Follow Your Skin" is visual music composed from recordings made live in the Experimental Television Center, New York. A terrestrial TV signal is mapped into patterns created by a Voltage Controlled Oscillator. Short snippets of the TV’s audio are randomly introduced in an attempt to recontextualise the broadcast and perchance elicit new meaning.self-productionself-distribution
Forsythia Madness6mn54 color sil 2010 USAby Neil NeedlemanCall me mad, but this is one of the ways I celebrate the colors of spring. As I wander out into the bursting-color landscape during this season, I’m blinded by the dazzling shades of yellow and light green. And I soak it all up with my eyes and (occasionally) my camera. I wish the color show lasted longer than a few short weeks—but I’m grateful for even that.self-productionself-distribution
found_footage5mn color & b/w stéréo 2010 Italyby Patrizia MonzaniWater as a symbol of nature, water as the origin of life and therefore of man. The video, entirely realized with archive material from the internet movie database (opensource films), shortly narrates the history of humanity and its relationship with our planet earth.self-productionself-distribution
Fraktali / Fractals7mn30 color stéréo 2009 Croatiaby Damir CucicA real picture with, for this occasion, specially constructed objects was taken as a template. These jelly objects are mould shaped puddings which have miniature golden plates inside them. The jellies are lit with laser and other lights, and are rotated on the surface of a turntable which caused the light to break and reflect on the golden plates.production : Croatian Film Clubs’ Associationself-distribution
Frequency Mass4mn35 b/w stéréo 2011 USAby John DavisExperimenting with light, movement, and various darkroom techniques, abstraction and
repetition coalesce in an array of chance encounters. A full immersion into an otherworldly mix of light and sound.self-productionself-distribution
From a land of ashes and mist21mn05 color & b/w stéréo 2010 Italyby Fabio ScacchioliStarting from 50 reels of 8mm and super8 film recovered in L’Aquila (Italy) and nearby towns after the earthquake of 6 April 2009, I tried to describe the disaster of earthquake to reach a general reflection on memory and its stratification. Through the alternation, the overlapping, the merging of private images of family life with dramatic images of the same places after the earthquake, the city becomes a metaphor of the fragility of memory.self-productionself-distribution
Futurology3mn02 color stéréo 2011 New Zealandby Brit BunkleyThis video is a study of various "futuristic" edifices altered slightly in video software: a contemporary cargo ship, various airport terminals, the Auckland Sky Tower and the Seattle Space Needle. When I was young, most of us were convinced that the future would be far different than it turned out to be. We would either be living in George Jetson elevated homes (modelled in part on the 1962 Seattle Space needle)… or if we survived an expected nuclear war, we’d be living in a post-apocalyptic nuclear winter. Fortunately neither happened.
Guédiguian n'est pas mort pour la France29mn color stéréo 2011 Franceby Pierre MerejkowskyGuédiguian is not dead for France.production : GAJEdistribution : GAJE
hatchet1mn19 color stéréo 2010 USAby Hilda DanielDecapitated segments are propelled in phonetic-anagrammatic sequence suggesting threat, violence (dv, rape), escape. Squealing trains, fighting flies, a "hatchet" refrain chugging like a train or train of thought stuck in a mind locked in madness or fear. The piece is a fright of fancy, a poem part rage, part fear.self-productionself-distribution
Home Not Yet Arrived8mn05 color stéréo 2010 Taiwanby Kar Seng SeeDear father in heaven, Everything is fine here. No longer miss you that often. Toby will be 9 this year, you haven’t met him. On the train on my way home, Feb. 2010, Chinese New Year.self-productionself-distribution
Homecoming6mn30 b/w stéréo 2010 United Kingdomby Hannah BeadmanThis split-3-screen video explores Jungian archetype integration through the narrative of a soldier returning to her girlfriend. This piece is sexual, dealing with longing, memory, a moment, transformation: it is political by its representation.self-productionself-distribution
îls18mn color stéréo 2011 Franceby Fabrice CoppinFrom this island only few men remain to me.production : Film flamme/Polygone étoiléself-distribution
Inner Shrine2mn30 color stéréo 2011 USAby Jing ZhouInspired by the poem "Journey Home" composed by the noted Indian poet, Rabindranath Tagore, combined with my writing, "Inner Shrine" reveals the emotional and spiritual journey in searching of one's soul. To find the inward space of one's own—the home of the heart, one has to experience life to the fullest. It is the most intricate encounter that wanderers have to undertake, through which they find the essence of their existence and the answer for who we are.self-productionself-distribution
Isle Of Lox "The Fruits Electric"3mn46 color stéréo 2010 Germanyby Leyla Rodriguez & Cristian Straub"In the beginning was Sound" -Lending iconography from Greek mythology (Aphrodite's birth from oceanic foam), the Christian bible (Eve and the forbidden apple) and Grimm's fairy tales (Hänsel & Gretel), "The Fruits Electric" is a audiovisual quest for the primordial origin of sound.self-productionself-distribution
Isle Of Lox "The Pink Situation"3mn color stéréo 2010 Germanyby Leyla Rodriguez & Cristian StraubThe second Tribe of Lox gathers to Celebrate a special Ritual : to blend in "The pink situation".self-productionself-distribution
je marche2mn19 color & b/w stéréo 2009 Franceby Isabelle SchneiderWalking nature.self-productionself-distribution
Je suis Père et mon Père est Père2mn18 color stéréo 2010 Swedenby Anders Weberg"I'm a Father and my Father is a Father" June 2 - 2010. Filmed with a mobile phone upscaled in post. Video and Sound by Anders Weberg. Participants: Jan Weberg, Anders Weberg, André Weberg.
- March 16 - April 4: VIDEOFORMES 2011 International Festival, Clermont-Ferrand, France.
- November 5 - December 3: VAFA, Video Art For All, Casa Garden – Fundação Oriente, Macau, China.
- November 10: 11.0 Edition of Barcelona Art Contemporary Festival, CENTRE D'ART SANTA MONICA, Barcelona, Spain.
- November 6: Kunstfilmtag, Malkasten, Düsseldorf, Germany.
- October 30: GIGUK Gießen VideoArt Festival 2010, Gießen, Germany.
- September 1-7: EXiS2010 7th Experimental Film & Video Festival in Seoul, Korea.
- September 7: HEP, Mohsen Art Gallery, Tehran, Iran.
- September: HEP, Sazmanab Project gallery, Tehran, Iran.production : Recycled Image Studioself-distribution
Jump in the river11mn color stéréo 2010 Canadaby Karina MarianoFilm collage. People, thoughts and bad childhood memories. A sweet guy I left and a leopard print girl I loved. All this wrapped up in Montreal winter, local music and lo-fi video effects. I should have just moved to Mexico and sent her hate mail, but I made a movie about it instead...;)self-productiondistribution : Groupe Intervention Vidéo
Kinetosis9mn20 color & b/w stéréo 2011 Canadaby Allan BrownA film editor experiences an acute bout of motion sickness sending him into a fragmented state of delerium.self-productionself-distribution
Kurashi Ato (vestige of life)12mn color stéréo 2009 Japanby Maki SatakeMy grandparents left the house they had lived for many years. It contains their memories as well as mine.self-productionself-distribution
L'eau, l'air et les songes10mn07 color stéréo 2009 Franceby Cécile RavelThe film starts with small electroacoustic shapes created by Jean-Marc Manteau, exploring the substance of breath, that of water as well as that of the act of walking. From then on, five small filmic shapes keep exploring these same elements surrounding my daughters as they stroll along the sea shore.self-productiondistribution : Collectif Jeune Cinema
L'insurrection qui vient3mn color stéréo 2011 Canadaby Frédérick MaheuxDance to the rythm of area-denial sound systems and riot sticks!self-productionself-distribution
L. stands for Love9mn50 color stéréo 2010 Germanyby Daniel LangA sad story from China : The end of a relationship. An essay film, reflecting loss and grief in a foreign place. Closure.self-productionself-distribution
La Conspiration du Cerveau5mn45 color & b/w stéréo 2010 Franceby Didier FeldmannSurrealist attempt to give a response to 4 fundamental questions that Humanity ask herself for several centuries: Why do dictators wear a mustache? Why do love stories end badly? Why do not children love their parent? Why do psychoanalyst wear glasses?self-productionself-distribution
La Fuite4mn33 color & b/w stéréo 2011 USAby Dan Nadaner"La Fuite" (The Escape) takes buoys near Alcatraz as a starting point for considering the situation of imprisonment and escape in the mind.self-productionself-distribution
La Mythologie des Hautes Plaines3mn color sil 2011 Franceby Frank GattiAlmost anything with plastic.self-productionself-distribution
La voûte7mn10 color stéréo 2010 Franceby Philippe RouyOne and the Other Way Round. Throbbing light throughout.self-productiondistribution : HEURE EXQUISE !
Labyrinthine14mn45 color stéréo 2010 USAby Gregg BiermannForty-one separate shots that have been appropriated and excised from the Hitchcock classic Vertigo are repeated and transformed into a composite sequence of concentric rectangles. Each rectangle appears over the last and grows larger over time. The narrative of the original is all but lost and in its place is a hypnotic and meditative display of forms and sounds.self-productionself-distribution
Le Soleil 1923.3mn25 color stéréo 2010 Serbiaby Milan ZulicMemory is form of meeting. Forgotten is form of freedom.self-productionself-distribution
Les Baigneuses15mn03 color sil 2011 Franceby Frank GattiAlmost anything with the girls.self-productionself-distribution
Les Barbares5mn color dolby stéréo 2010 Franceby Jean-Gabriel PériotWe are scum! We are barbariansproduction : Sacrebleu Productionsself-distribution
Les Deux Faunes18mn color stéréo 2011 USAby David FinkelsteinTwo men engaged in a friendly game of erotic pursuit. A mysterious chorus of voices encourages them. With a text by Percy Shelley and music by Randall Wong.self-productionself-distribution
Les Paraparapluies5mn02 color stéréo 2009 Germanyby Stefan DemmingBased on the film "Les parapluies de Cherbourg" by Jacques Demy (1964) an audiovisual composition evolved. It reduces the narrative elements of the original movie by turning short sequences into transformative loops and transforming it into a rhythmic composition. In synchronized beats, the sampling of the sound goes along with the visual rhythm of the video. The actors look like virtual singing sculptures and some kind of a grammar of the movie’s single parts can be examined.self-productionself-distribution
Light-Devouring Darkness2mn color stéréo 2011 Canadaby Frédérick MaheuxWill the light be enough to absorb the darkness of their souls?self-productionself-distribution
Lightning Strikes4mn12 color & b/w stéréo 2009 Germanyby Sönke Held & Felix KubinA super 8 paranoia extravaganza to the tunes of Felix Kubin.self-productionself-distribution
Linda Fratianne3mn45 color & b/w stéréo 2010 United Kingdomby Alexander Hetherington"Linda Fratianne" is a multi-screen film of a devised performance, which orchestrates complex, often abrasive, materials. It is based on a story by the Austrian writer Elfriede Jelinek and makes reference to vaudeville, film noir, theatrical and cinematic styles, performance art and televised sports.production : CCAself-distribution
L’Economie des Hautes Plaines9mn08 color sil 2011 Franceby Frank GattiAlmost anything with the light of winter.self-productionself-distribution
L’Homme des Hautes Plaines3mn29 color sil 2011 Franceby Frank GattiAlmost anything with the unpredictable.self-productionself-distribution
Maison/The House - Fast Forward5mn color stéréo 2010 Canadaby Elaine FrigonGoing over and over images in fast-forward. Details emerge through incessant movements of the camera, just like mnemonic traces.self-productiondistribution : Groupe Intervention Vidéo
MARSEILLE-HOMAGE3mn50 color stéréo 2011 Croatiaby Karlo VranjesI have animated photographs from holidays in Marseilles. There is one statue on Saint-Charles Station main staircase. She represent Asia. Her attitude and face reminds me on famous singer. Marseilles is cosmopolitan city. Images and music fits perfectly together creating homage.self-productionself-distribution
Meine stolze heimat3mn30 color & b/w stéréo 2010 Franceby Yves-Marie MahéMy dearest country.self-productiondistribution : Light Cone
memoriesofasovietsoldier3mn30 color & b/w stéréo 2010 Italyby Marco Balducci"memoriesofasovietsoldier" is a video art work that combines manipulated archive film footage(from "Battle of Russia"), original shootings and special effects. This work treats about reactivation of memories of a person( in this case a soviet soldier ). I’m very interesting in mental process concerning memories flow, above all the way we associated particular images to specific sounds or musics. With this work I try to let go the viewer into the Hyppocampus of a soviet soldier for some minutes. All non originally videos and musics are taken from under creative commons license( public domain ). Other sounds are recorded and manipulated by myself. Editing video and sound are made by myself. The Hyppocampus at the beginning of the video is a little organic sculpture that I made.self-productionself-distribution
Memory Game7mn40 color stéréo 2010 Germanyby Wilfried Agricola de CologneFive friends meet each other once a year at another place on the globe for one day and play their memory game. In 2010, they meet in Berlin, a place where countless strings of memory come together at the focus of one place which is standing for the more than 6 millions of murdered Jews, the Memorial for The Murdered Jews in Europe. The video was filmed in Berlin, Budapest and Auschwitz and is released on occasion of 65th return of the Liberation of the Concentration Camp Auschwitz on 27 January 2010.self-productionself-distribution
Moment Two5mn45 color stéréo 2010 South Koreaby Jung-Chul HurWhen the scene begins, a fragile and very feminine swaying female figure is center frame. As the film slowly progresses, two male figures gradually emerge from the background and approach the female figure. Body movements, interactions between figures and shifts in light become synchronized with carefully chosen music.self-productionself-distribution
Motorsport2mn48 color stéréo 2010 Swedenby Antti SavelaThis is a video about motorsport.self-productionself-distribution
Mr. Babyape is Passion9mn59 color stéréo 2009 Germanyby Paul WiersbinskiWhen little red riding hood goes to visit grandmother she has to face reality for the first time. The age of urban cynicism and postmodernist confusion is over. All what is left are rural values of breeding and feeding. Only the small village and the small house with the equal sign on it might save her from the power of the big evil church. Illusion beats art once again.self-productionself-distribution
My First Science Fiction Movie3mn57 b/w stéréo 2010 USAby Neil NeedlemanMy team of physicists at the Institute for the Advanced Study of the Universe was the first to make a startling discovery. What was that discovery? Watch this video and, in less than four minutes, you’ll have the answer. But I warn you: it’s an answer that rocks the very foundation of our universe.self-productionself-distribution
My mother's garden / My father's garden: A diptych11mn color & b/w stéréo 2010 Spainby Toni CrabbPart of a range of works that go under the concept 'Mind is a form of landscape', the 2 works are portraits of my parents seen through each of their gardens, and also a study of a double (migrated) identity.self-productionself-distribution
My Way4mn50 color stéréo 2010 Swedenby Antti SavelaIn this video I have brought together eight complete strangers to sing "My Way" by Jacques Revaux and Claude Francois.self-productionself-distribution
Nightlife in a puddle8mn b/w stéréo 2010 Italyby Fabio ScacchioliThis is an hallucination after the storm. In super 8, dark, lightning and disappearing scratched roads. Discovering that a village festivity is also possible in a puddle at night is both terrible and sublime. Are the images that drown and disappear in memory, or are we drowning, while the images observe us from an unreachable time?self-productionself-distribution
Non film in three acts and a prelude12mn30 color & b/w stéréo 2010 Germanyby Rita MacedoShot entirely in Super8, "Non film in three acts and a prelude" is an absurd ride conducted by a bodyless head, two invisible characters counting stones as bodies, a filmmaker muffled by her own film and two lone virgin-mary-like creatures.
nostalgia13mn color stéréo 2009 Belgiumby Pieter GeenenIn the context of the since 1974 divided island of Cyprus, "nostalgia" questions the geopolitical meaning of land and the touristic exploitation of the landscape in relation to political propaganda. 'nostalgia' also reflects on the emotionally evoking and provoking qualities of the landscape. How can this physical border between Greek and Turkish Cyprus be a mental border?self-productiondistribution : Argos centre for art and media
Nothing to Fear but Nothing Itself5mn color stéréo 2009 USAby Salise HughesThe threats have been erased from old footage of the 60’s TV series "The Man From U.N.C.L.E.".self-productionself-distribution
O Gato Comeu O Rato7mn05 color stéréo 2010 Canadaby Vienne ChanA cat eats a mouse.self-productionself-distribution
Omokage (remains)6mn color stéréo 2010 Japanby Maki SatakeMy grandfather who was a photographer died about ten years ago. He left many forgotten photographs when I was a child.self-productionself-distribution
Ophelia2mn05 color stéréo 2010 Canadaby Vienne ChanThe individual desire consummates all.self-productionself-distribution
Orgamécanique2mn56 color & b/w stéréo 2010 Franceby Emmanuel MorvanAs in a strange dream, atmospheres, forms get involved the some in the others, repeat, contradict themselves or assemble. Are they fragments of memories, run-ups of imagination?self-productionself-distribution
Orissa6mn b/w stéréo 2010 Franceby Philippe CoteThe story of an encounter.self-productionself-distribution
Palate4mn35 color & b/w stéréo 2010 Indiaby Aditi Kulkarni"Palate" is an experimental video with amalgamation of monotonous expressions.self-productionself-distribution
Parce que, je37mn35 color & b/w mono 2010 Franceby Maud MartinThis movie was produced as part of a co-creation with the dancer Dimitri Tsiapkinis. He wrote the solo "Delirium Tremens", I realize "Because, I", we work around the same questions.
My movie examines the relationship between oneself and the others, attachment and detachment from bodies, the irreducible otherness that separates us and yet defined the social and intimate’s scope of what we are.
The image is taken as a material from which the movie is shaped. Movie of collages, assemblages, where narration predates less and less to direct experimentation of shooting-editing. Do not tell a story in a linear fashion but take an idea and turn around.self-productionself-distribution
Passengers Take-Offs1mn20 color sil 2010 Colombiaby Camilo Barreneche"Takeoffs passengers" is a video that approaches the phenomena of migration and the impossibility of mobility in an era when the journey is a prototypical activity of human beings and that speaks of individuals who are between, take off, take a flight and a territory in constant motion .self-productionself-distribution
Phasing Waves6mn50 color stéréo 2011 Republic of Irelandby OcusonicRecorded live in the experimental TV Studio New York using 80s technology, simple tones, buzzes and glitches are transformed into visual representations. When three of these recordings are juxtaposed, complete with audio, new rhythmic and harmonic, audio visual complexities emerge.self-productionself-distribution
Plume21mn06 color & b/w stéréo 2010 Franceby Cécile RavelPlume (Feather) tells the story of my daughter when she was suffering from anorexia. During a whole year, as if I was keeping a diary I filmed the moments when we could connect with each other. production : Les Productions Aléatoiresdistribution : Collectif Jeune Cinema
Poética Pública. PLAZA71mn color & b/w stéréo 2010 Spainby Esther Pérez de EulateThe film takes place in one location, the Reina Sofia Museum Square, Madrid (Spain). Small stories of anonymous characters are woven together taking us on a journey through Spain of the last 7 years, from 2003 to 2010. This square provides a unique stage for the unfolding of the social movements, the political demands, everyday life, the latest fashions, improvised performances, international events, moments of great intimacy, celebrations, life stages, the transformation of the museum, personal frictions and leisure... a description of life in the street, that recovers the poetry of the everyday.self-productionself-distribution
Point No Point3mn57 color stéréo 2010 Canadaby Jennifer Campbell"Point No Point" is a video performance documenting the absurd transformation of a human figure into lighthouse. The artist’s body emulates or re-imagines different beacons, signals, and forces of nature. In this work a sense of awe for the Sublime can come as both homage and parody.self-productiondistribution : Video Out
Pont du Carrousel5mn color sil 2009 Canadaby Lina RodriguezAn observation of dark at Pont du Carrousel.self-productionself-distribution
Potemkin2mn10 b/w stéréo 2010 USAby Tamar Meir"Potemkin" is a 16mm stop-motion animation short influenced by the Odessa Staircase Scene from Sergei Eisenstein's 1925 "Battleship Potemkin." 3000 little toy soldiers choreograph their way down the modern staircase, forming more and more of an abstract shape as they go further down. The piece was originally part of an installation at Cooper Union, New York.self-productionself-distribution
Predator2mn40 color stéréo 2010 Germanyby Wilfried Agricola de CologneThe video is a metaphoric view on the predator in each of us telling the everyday life story when youth gangs are attacking other people at lonesome locations without any witnesses. The predator as the victim of the circumstances.self-productionself-distribution
PrickTic0mn51 color stéréo 2009 USAby Hilda DanielA nervous tic, sinister twitch, butterfly, beermat and desire edge inside a woolly slit of fluttering violence. In "PrickTic", non-verbal sound suggests assault, weight, new meaning: beating wings; an advert in distress. The wrenching of sound and image from their original form into distressed violence is echoed in the narrative.self-productionself-distribution
Protocol1mn color sil 2011 Canadaby Lina RodriguezAt the Castillo de San Felipe de Barajas in Cartagena, Colombia.self-productionself-distribution
Pustara / Wasteland26mn color stéréo 2010 Croatiaby Ivan FaktorThe film was shot by hand-held camera, and is all in subjective takes. The main "character" in the film is light. Light reveals characters and objects, without care for the composition of the shot or using artificial lighting. Simultaneously with the shooting of the refraction of light, the spreading – ringing of sound is recorded. And the most important – silence, because in the wasteland, on that "island" with no visible boundary between the sky and the earth, in that prison with no fences, silence is louder than the noise of any city.production : Croatian Film Clubs’ Associationself-distribution
Rainbow Happyface0mn16 color stéréo 2009 USAby Hilda DanielIcons of happiness - clip-art and the color yellow (the best things in life are free) - are decompressed, fuzzy and flying flat in layered soundscapes, clipped in short cycle, happy and sad; describing a lifetime, and the abrupt absoluteness of the end of anything. (ded. to my mum, Molly Daniel 1930-2009).self-productionself-distribution
Relrap erdnetne suov ed edalam dner em aç1mn45 b/w stéréo 2010 Franceby Yves-Marie MahéClac clac.self-productiondistribution : Light Cone
reproduktion9mn33 b/w stéréo 2009 Germanyby Vika KirchenbauerSociety passes fear-fuelled values and conventions from one generation to the next and the most essential question seems to be: boy or girl?production : HFF "Konrad Wolf" Potsdamdistribution : HFF "Konrad Wolf" Potsdam
Resistance27mn color stéréo 2010 Franceby Fabienne GautierFrench Anti war footage 2003. Filmed in Super 8mm in Parisself-productionself-distribution
Seaworthy2mn52 color stéréo 2010 USAby Ellen LakeBased on observations of everyday life – this short shot in Oakland, California is an eclectic mix of HD video of cargo ships and sailboats on the estuary, with a bluegrass soundtrack by Evie Ladin, and a body floating by – questioning urban realities or fantasies.self-productionself-distribution
Staring Into Infinity4mn50 color stéréo 2010 United Kingdomby Guli SilbersteinComposed from fragments of reality captured by a mobile phone and a home digital video camcorder, the video contains a surreal journey into ‘non-places’ of childhood in which an older self is following a younger self, re-acquiring a sense of empowerment and quietness. The glitches and imperfections of image and sound suggest a relation between digital form and human perception.self-productionself-distribution
Stochastics6mn30 b/w stéréo 2010 Franceby David KidmanWhen you are a child, you learn how to walk. There is an other way to think about it: During military service, when you forget walking and learn to march. This film is about the way in which I learn to walk, the way in which cinema learned to walk and partly how to aim at the right targetsself-productionself-distribution
Sur le passage de quelques amis Facebook5mn47 color stéréo 2011 Franceby Suzel RocheAgain, two builders meet each other, some time they hurt, most frequently, they stay face to face, let the spectator find place in their junction: my Facebook friends's pictures and the voice of Guy Debord from his movie "La Société du Spectacle".self-productionself-distribution
Swimming Around2mn35 color stéréo 2009 Indiaby TAXI & Sourav Roy Chowdhury"Swimming Around" presents a series of cityscapes with a fish bowl placed in different locations of the city at different times of the day. With the fishes ceaselessly swimming round and round the glass bowl in front of the urban backdrop, "Swimming Around" tries to explore the ultimate claustrophobia, monotony, alienation and stagnancy we achieve as we go about our lives in the glittering, attractive, mammoth metropolis that apparently promises to offer variety and a plethora of diverse choices.self-productionself-distribution
Tatyana & Vera in 'Underground Forest' aka 'A Woodcutter's Tale'3mn05 b/w stéréo 2010 United Kingdomby Hannah BeadmanThis 35mm photocine film is set deep in a Russian forest, drawing on the macabre underside and magic of fairy-tales; it creates a lesbian space within this genre. The photo style, flared whites, touch on the beauty, shock and heightened emotion within the violent relationship of the narrative.self-productionself-distribution
Telle est la vision2mn50 color stéréo 2010 Franceby Yves-Marie MahéTV is watching you.self-productiondistribution : Light Cone
The Art-Qaeda Project7mn03 color mono 2010 Taiwanby Wei-Ming HoIn a weird atmosphere, the images set out for an exciting adventure. Did the images represent the secret signals, a mysterious journey or a silent protest? By means of guerrilla art action, this project presented the conversation between the images and the city environment.production : Jia-Shingself-distribution
The Da4mn35 color stéréo 2011 Franceby CarlottAWho are they? Towards where do they walk? Towards a sure death, in the heart of the nonsense. Hypnotic uneasiness, the sound of the knell or the sound of the little death?
Without communication and without link but the one of existence, this people present the authority of their corporeality. In homage to Dada, " the Da ", anagram of " death ", is a strange and dreamlike universe, tinted with fear and with incomprehension, a mental universe where the spatiotemporal marks lose all their rationality.self-productionself-distribution
The Garden10mn color & b/w stéréo 2010 USAby Ann Steuernagel"The Garden" is a reflection on climate change. It is created from found, recycled film footage and is presented in three parts. Winner Best of Festival (experimental) 2011 Black Maria Film + Video Festival, U.S.A.self-productionself-distribution
The infinite room4mn23 color stéréo 2010 Argentinaby Nicolás Testoni & Christian DelgadoThis work is the result of a series of film shows held in the countryside and on farms in Southern Pampa, Argentina. We want to find out what happens to the moving image when it is separated from the cities where it was born.self-productionself-distribution
The Men3mn15 color sil 2010 USAby Charles Fairbanks"The Men" documents the fighter's perspective in submission wrestling: an immersive experience between intimacy and violence. self-productionself-distribution
The Persistence of Forgetting12mn color & b/w stéréo 2010 USAby Jeremy NewmanThis video explores the culture of divorce via nonlinear thematic patterns. Digital video footage and archival film clips are interwoven to embody an amnesiac experience, forgetting through remembering. The archival films reflect the protagonist’s shift from subconscious to conscious awareness, and represent the societal impact of the Hollywood studio system.self-productionself-distribution
The Sense of Sound7mn30 b/w stéréo 2010 United Kingdomby Jessica BallaFranz Liszt experienced Synaesthesia, by interviewing nine Welsh musicians I was able to discover cross-sensory connections between playing music and the visualization of their expression in the imagery of notation. Here, their faces become a canvas to communicate their feelings about creating music in our rural and urban landscapes.self-productionself-distribution
Tôt le matin3mn33 b/w mono 2011 USAby Dan Nadaner"First thing in the morning". Is it before everything happens, or is it after something has already happened? The contrast between the peaceful view and the dramas that have escaped view.self-productionself-distribution
Tree of Forgetting8mn43 color & b/w stéréo 2009 USAby Dan Boord & Luis ValdovinoThe world’s shortest short story takes a detour to a place where time is a forking path of possibilities leading to the same eventuality – the past. A place where it was possible to vanish among family and friends and where the places and things of everyday life may also take on horrific features and meanings.self-productionself-distribution
un jour ou l'autre nous partons tous en voyage en Italie (II)53mn color stéréo 2010 Franceby Muriel MontiniAt first, there is a shot that would become "a fiction machine". A journey to Italy.turns into a series of journeys to Italy. Entertwining, conflicting love stories that seem to respond to each other.
Under15mn34 color stéréo 2009 Franceby Sabine De Vivies"Under" suggests a return to the source and the magic of water. Water in all forms it takes successively drought, rain, storms, river, lake, fountains, ice, steam their alive unexpectibility a journey to fluidity from chaotic to crystal.production : Motus Cie de Danseursself-distribution
universal tourist7mn46 color stéréo 2010 Germanyby Christin BolewskiAn experimental documentary observation and a sociological and cultural study of a global phenomenon of mass consumer culture: it interrogates tourist photographic practices - the holiday snapshot. The video observes tourists while they act as tourists. It takes pictures of people taking pictures. It records them while they record themselves.self-productionself-distribution
Va Regarde - 227mn b/w sil 2009 Franceby Philippe CoteImages shot in Nepal and India "At the origin of these departures,
is the research of lights, spaces, instants to renew my cinema,
to be closer to the poetic documentary: being there and watching, recording length, not
trying to force things to come ...
(Philippe Cote, May 2006)self-productionself-distribution
Video Anthropos III "Melamangio"4mn25 color stéréo 2010 Italyby Paride Di Stefano"Video Anthropos III "Melamangio"" belongs to a series of videos entitled Anthropos born in 2010. The video describes the negative action of man over nature in this short represented by an apple that is eaten slowly. It 's a mental journey, an examination of conscience. The theme recalls the man the feeling of being part of a natural organism and as such it draws attention to respect and care about what really constitutes our essence.self-productionself-distribution
Viewing Room0mn44 color & b/w stéréo 2010 Indiaby Aditi Kulkarni"Viewing Room" is about continuum of a fraction in space-time model.self-productionself-distribution
Vis-à-vis16mn15 color stéréo 2010 Franceby Alexandre BouscaryA woman's wanderings between different countries, rythms, feelings, identities.self-productionself-distribution
WARdisease8mn26 color & b/w stéréo 2010 Franceby Marie MagescasOn December 10, 1948, the General Assembly of the United Nations adopted and proclaimed the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Five of these UN member countries are today the biggest arms dealers in the world. Made with archive footage edited in fragments, "WARdisease" explore without chronology the equal posture of the people which are the toys of that economic reality. Men women children. Run cry fall die, be armed. And start again.self-productionself-distribution
we - 1st person plural10mn24 color mono 2009 Germanyby Vika KirchenbauerRepeating action, repeating gestures, stories repeating in predictable patterns of human behavior shot on an 8mm camera in the space between banality and infinity and expressed in interchangeable motions of human life in which nothing ends and everything begins. self-productionself-distribution
Welcome to Hong Kong - Study on Verticality: Elevation1mn color mono 2010 Chinaby Christophe BruchanskyAt the difference of the altitude of mountains that has been set once for all, there are no limits for skyscrapers and engineering. Higher standards in wealth and social status are being set, but without increasing the number of people who could see the uninterrupted horizon. self-productionself-distribution
Window of Desire2mn color stéréo 2011 Swedenby Anders WebergVideo and Sound by Anders Weberg. "Human desire is the fundamental motivation of all human action." Hobbes (1588–1679). Filmed with a mobile phone.production : Recycled Image Studioself-distribution
Winter IRM2mn04 color & b/w stéréo 2011 Franceby Jérôme LaniauDjanka lives in the street. His IRM tells his story.self-productionself-distribution
Xiao Lu9mn39 color stéréo 2010 Chinaby Haiyuan WangXiao Lu, real name Lu Jianye.
He always stops and starts, looking around, wandering, searching, and feeling the surrounding by his particular gestures.
As a matter of fact, our life is all nothing to do with his.self-productionself-distribution
You Can See the Sun in Late December6mn30 color stéréo 2010 USAby Sasha Waters FreyerBeautiful emptiness, anguish and calm, absence rendered visible and traces of presence in the winter light, all intensified by the damned (non) question of maternity. Filming every frigid day in the final month as a strategy for overcoming deflated motivation.self-productionself-distribution
Z=enfant-vautour16mn33 color & b/w stéréo 2010 Franceby Mathieu CalvezGenealogical ascent of a man, crossing the layers of his own geographical and mental landscapes.self-productionself-distribution