July 13, 21h
Théâtre des Chartreux 105, avenue des Chartreux / 13004 Marseille tel. 33 4 91 50 18 90
7 films - 120mn
21h, Part 1 - 53mn
Tempo15mn21 color stereo 2011 Franceby Orlan RoyHow do we keep last spring ? Collage film.production : Vita Violenta (SARL)distribution : Vita Violenta (SARL)clip
Karaoké1mn55 color dolby stereo 2011 Franceby Yves-Marie MahéSorry, this movie has no interest in an english version.self-productiondistribution : Light Coneclip
Last Moments Before Collapse27mn50 b/w stereo 2011 Franceby Quentin Brière BordierSound and cinematic improvisation born of a meeting between a director and two musicians leaving the comfort of rehearsal studios and concert halls to meet the chaotic sounds of the world and its spaces.self-productionself-distributionclip
Menteur5mn38 color & b/w stereo 2012 Franceby Emmanuelle GlonPOP CORN TRILOGY. France: the test of reputation. (Part 3) Life and death of cinematic hard core. Evidence with INA.self-productionself-distributionclip23h, Part 2 - 67mn
Ecstasy of St. Agnes20mn30 b/w stereo 2010 Polandby Slawomir Milewski"Ecstasy of St. Agnes" is a treatise on incommunicability or just the short movie about love.self-productiondistribution : Ass.VisualContainerclip
El gringo0mn42 color dolby stereo 2011 Franceby Yves-Marie MahéPublicity for coffee.self-productiondistribution : Light Coneclip
Lexique dyslexique43mn color & b/w stereo 2012 Franceby Derek WoolfendenExperimental fiction split in 6 distinct parts about love afflictions with the medical use of the "Found footage" technique.self-productionself-distributionclip