Lices -
June 30, 19h & July 3, 17h30
films - 55mn
Inbetween6mn b/w stéréo 2003 USAby Dale Wilson & Astra PriceFocusing on light and texture, Inbetween is a study of signal and image decay between the anlog and digital world of film and video. Starting as found 16mm film, the material has been interpreted and modified as it moves back and forth between digital and analog processing systems. Images of airplanes dominate, their suspension is associated with the space that surrounds them; they are neither her nor there, but repetitively percing on screen space. They move to the long, low sounds originated through audio loops created in an Internet streaming process. The edge of the frame also acknowledges what is usually not seen, making its presence known as a reoccuring element. While the video itself was born out of technical inquiry, the tonality located in the emotional; the distance created via processing evokes longing, and disquiet.self-productionself-distributionclip
La ballerine dans la boîte à musique8mn51 color stéréo 2003 Franceby Céline ClottesThe ballerina locked up who still tries to exist, to carry out her function symbolizes the adult locked up in the memory of childhood, represented by the closed box. At the same time protection and asylum,which puts a side of the external world which seems inhospitable. The place effect/towards image symbolizes the reversal of time, of attention.
Amok4mn b/w mono 2002 Franceby Christophe MartinRecutting of a scene of "Amok" by Fassbinder.
Don't touch me when I start to feel safe4mn30 color stéréo 2003 Austriaby Brigitta BödenauerThe video is dealing with systems of safeness represented by architecture and the body as reliable structures that are being intervened by moments of "touch" from "outside". Those interferences produce a fragile stability, a constant repetition of fading, melting, collapsing and recomposing. To the sound of Ivan Pavlov (COH) - in a final cascade of backbones,statues and urban environments - the image itself starts absorbing this rhythm of fluctuation between security and irritation.self-productionself-distributionclip
Sans titre3mn30 b/w stéréo 2004 Franceby Céline ClottesThis video Installation designed to ravel in loop, tries to expose a time which passes. The aesthetic simplicity of the image, the tiny action are there as well as possible to expose time in its unfolding more believed. Here it is the daily newspaper which is let see. The loop made up of 112 numerical photographs, represents somebody who passes from the position upright, of a half-turn then of one return to the position lying. Horizontal representation of a time dial, one day standard in its destitution...
Fig.45mn color stéréo 2004 Franceby Augustin GimelBodies and movements recomposed starting from pornographic images taken on Internet. Sexual Golem. The act projected and worked with another image, that of a body made up of thousand bodies to the infinite possibilities.self-productionself-distributionclip
L'Œil lourd du voyage mécanique3mn color stéréo 2003 Franceby Augustin GimelRotary landscape, postcard moving, the lake Anosy in Antananarivo (Madagascar) considered as a space to undertake according to its properties.self-productionself-distributionclip
The Ogre2mn color mono 2003 Chinaby Yuk-Yiu IPA kaleidoscope of self-devouring autoeroticism.
Vivantes lueurs10mn b/w stéréo 2003 Franceby Pierre-Yves CruaudThe cinematographic device is put in action and tries to awake what does not belong yet to the lapse of memory. The chronic instability of my memory is hung up again with memories with the fragile indices. A kind of childbirth of the image occurs.self-productionself-distributionclip
(EDEN)6mn34 color stéréo 2004 Franceby Gérard CairaschiThe exploration of the limits of our world unceasingly exhile its center - its eden - as the discovery of the mechanisms of our body envelope moved its center of the heart towards the brain. The (eden) video plays of the visual collusions, of representations conveyed by various cultures, reminiscences of our dreams, our myths, our desires, our hopes and our fears.self-productionself-distributionclip