
Lices - between June 30 and July 3 index

selection 2004 / title :::: 36 films, 35 authors, 11 countries Australia/ Austria/ Brazil/ Canada/ China/ France/ Italy/ Japan/ Republic of Ireland/ Switzerland/ USA/

sadescription (EDEN)
6mn34   color   stéréo   2004   France
by Gérard Cairaschi
The exploration of the limits of our world unceasingly exhile its center - its eden - as the discovery of the mechanisms of our body envelope moved its center of the heart towards the brain. The (eden) video plays of the visual collusions, of representations conveyed by various cultures, reminiscences of our dreams, our myths, our desires, our hopes and our fears.
[ pr. movement ]

sadescription 1/25
14mn10   color   stéréo   2003   France
by Suzel Roche
To find the 25 images a second with the research of the fugacious features of the happiness or those of freedom.
[ pr. perception ]

sadescription a/través (crossing)
10mn40   color   stéréo   2003   Brazil
by Kika Nicolela
The simple act of crossing rhe street. A banal, daily act, shared by thousands of people in the same city in a single moment ; a corporal mass without identity. In the flux, the comfortable sensation of being anonymous. Suddenly, a rupture happens. The body releases itself and becomes free. This body in suspense starts to express a will and to reinvent itself. But which way should it choose ?
[ pr. sense ]

sadescription Amok
4mn   b/w   mono   2002   France
by Christophe Martin
Recutting of a scene of "Amok" by Fassbinder.
[ pr. movement ]

sadescription and so in the end I arrived, I’d sent the package but you were nowhere to be seen...
7mn20   color   stéréo   2003   Australia
by Scott Morrison
The piece came about through creative frustation, I had dedicated a lot of time to a specific idea, a hope reallyand it seemed as though it was becoming fruitless. This piece is about the journey and the distance we travel when we hold onto these ideas, these hopes. Can the idea, the dream hold longer when the believer of this cannot.
[ pr. perception ]

sadescription BIH
19mn30   color   stéréo   2003   Italy
by Andrea Morero
A short journey across the territories that have been objective of the RAM plane’s irrationaly.
[ pr. time ]

sadescription C'est de l'homme qu'il s'agit
5mn45   color   stéréo   2004   France
by Emmanuelle Sarrouy
When the song of the men and the flight of the birds mix...
[ pr. sense ]

sadescription Daughter of dada
5mn   color & b/w   stéréo   2003   USA
by Flame Schon
Multi-leveled veiled feminist terrorist makes soup and flees. "Daughter of Dada" is a part of Vidioms, an idiosyncratic video poems which create their own idiom, in six parts; although the sequence is intentional and cumulative, each segment may be viewed separately as well as ensemble.
[ pr. sense ]

sadescription Don't touch me when I start to feel safe
4mn30   color   stéréo   2003   Austria
by Brigitta Bödenauer
The video is dealing with systems of safeness represented by architecture and the body as reliable structures that are being intervened by moments of "touch" from "outside". Those interferences produce a fragile stability, a constant repetition of fading, melting, collapsing and recomposing. To the sound of Ivan Pavlov (COH) - in a final cascade of backbones,statues and urban environments - the image itself starts absorbing this rhythm of fluctuation between security and irritation.
[ pr. movement ]

sadescription Drone airlines 11 (featuring divx elavy)
26mn   color   stéréo   2003   France
by Frank Gatti
The codecs of compression impose the standards for the flow of the numric images. "Drone Airlines" is an attempt at disordered state of these standards while introducing of lerror into the structure Mrs. of the files vido resulting in majorit from lInternet pornographic. The film preserves all the same a narrative tension through thin fiction in which heroin, DivX ElavY, sudden of multiple metamorphoses.
[ pr. sense ]

sadescription En-corps
6mn30   color & b/w   stéréo   2002   France
by Colas Ricard
To film like act of desire / to film between body and nature / to film until through the matter and the darkness.
[ pr. time ]

sadescription Extase
23mn   color   stéréo   2003   France
by collectif Pixelles
To move away from the temptation of realism specific to the film X Sampler, to tally images and the sounds of pornographic films to transgress the codes fixed by the kind. To lead the spectator to move his glance The video drops and screen take part in this process by revealing nature of the representation: its surface, its materiality. The realignment restores the strangeness of the bodies and the faces. The images are released from their initial function. The model is moved and leaves place with sensitive, with the individual. The mechanical bodies find an identity. In fact then icons, in a new breath start to dance...
[ pr. perception ]

sadescription Fig.4
5mn   color   stéréo   2004   France
by Augustin Gimel
Bodies and movements recomposed starting from pornographic images taken on Internet. Sexual Golem. The act projected and worked with another image, that of a body made up of thousand bodies to the infinite possibilities.
[ pr. movement ]

sadescription Gourd
13mn   color   stéréo   2004   Japan
by Tomomi Adachi
"Gourd" is the second recorded video work. All images was generated improvisationaly by realtime videofeedback system with 1 TV monitor, 2 cameras and self-made video filter/mixer. He didn’t use any edits and post productions except a little noise removal. In final part, there are some destructive digital noises were caused by the error of AD convector. These kind of noises are an important element of these piece.The images reflect the physical performance in unforeseen situation and recoll the abstruct movement of music. It will be a kind of visual music. Soudtrack was recorded perfect separately from image. But the sound share a concept of image generating; feedback and digital clip noise. Finally, the image and sound form the polyphony.
[ pr. perception ]

sadescription Inbetween
6mn   b/w   stéréo   2003   USA
by Dale Wilson & Astra Price
Focusing on light and texture, Inbetween is a study of signal and image decay between the anlog and digital world of film and video. Starting as found 16mm film, the material has been interpreted and modified as it moves back and forth between digital and analog processing systems. Images of airplanes dominate, their suspension is associated with the space that surrounds them; they are neither her nor there, but repetitively percing on screen space. They move to the long, low sounds originated through audio loops created in an Internet streaming process. The edge of the frame also acknowledges what is usually not seen, making its presence known as a reoccuring element. While the video itself was born out of technical inquiry, the tonality located in the emotional; the distance created via processing evokes longing, and disquiet.
[ pr. movement ]

sadescription Internal friction
5mn30   color & b/w   stéréo   2003   France
by Ariane Maugery
"Internal Friction" consists of energy constellations of heterogeneous intensities. These particulate entities interact by resonance between multiple levels of perception, in echo with concave and convex territories subjected to a constant redefinition of scale. The continuity of perception is laminated and made spasmodic by a dynamic and dialogical evolution between the local components and the total movement spiralic.
[ pr. perception ]

sadescription L'Œil lourd du voyage mécanique
3mn   color   stéréo   2003   France
by Augustin Gimel
Rotary landscape, postcard moving, the lake Anosy in Antananarivo (Madagascar) considered as a space to undertake according to its properties.
[ pr. movement ]

sadescription La ballerine dans la boîte à musique
8mn51   color   stéréo   2003   France
by Céline Clottes
The ballerina locked up who still tries to exist, to carry out her function symbolizes the adult locked up in the memory of childhood, represented by the closed box. At the same time protection and asylum,which puts a side of the external world which seems inhospitable. The place effect/towards image symbolizes the reversal of time, of attention.
[ pr. movement ]

sadescription Le 2 or seiryoku zenyo
2mn40   color   stéréo   2003   Switzerland
by Chantal Romani
Two girls prepare for their fight. One instant instants - concentration - imagination - action. Seiryoku zenyo - the optimal use of the power.
[ pr. space ]

sadescription Lumi
4mn   color   stéréo   2003   Canada
by Nelly-Eve Rajotte
In this video the artist explore the fomal relationship between light and sound. Inspired of a obstructed elements of perspective shown in the works of De Chirico, she carrefully creates a sense of destruction through her video. In this manner the object (a field covered in snow with a mountain in the distance) is reduced to its formal components to arrive to auditive perspective not only a visual representation.
[ pr. space ]

sadescription Memosium
6mn40   color & b/w   stéréo   2002   France
by Louis Dupont
"Memosium" is articulated like a concerto in three movements. The camera, the body and space have each one there their tempo but these three movements are played simultaneously. The account seems amnesic of its plans and the character. The events are reiterated infinitely. One is in a time of repetition... In addition, the acceleration and the geometrical multiplication of the movement, the complexity of the activities of the character, their mathematical cutting and the infinite rearrangement of the body give to the spectator a new conscience time, without assigned limits. Only the escape (death?) can allow to escape from this prison time.
[ pr. time ]

sadescription precarious
10mn   color   stéréo   2004   USA
by Ellen Zweig
"Precarious" is a meditation on moments when life teeters on a cliff, when memories of the unstable world enter the safe suburban kitchen. A series of interview with my father, acrobats in a circus, a car on fire in the parking lot outside my apartment; nothing is ever safe enough from the possibility of falling. Rephotographed Super-8 film cut with digital video.
[ pr. time ]

sadescription Sans titre
3mn30   b/w   stéréo   2004   France
by Céline Clottes
This video Installation designed to ravel in loop, tries to expose a time which passes. The aesthetic simplicity of the image, the tiny action are there as well as possible to expose time in its unfolding more believed. Here it is the daily newspaper which is let see. The loop made up of 112 numerical photographs, represents somebody who passes from the position upright, of a half-turn then of one return to the position lying. Horizontal representation of a time dial, one day standard in its destitution...
[ pr. movement ]

sadescription Sorry about that
15mn   color & b/w   stéréo   2004   France
by Jean-Philippe Farber
One says that at the time to close the eyes for the last time, one can re-examine his life to ravel, made this incredible experiment but you will arise yourselves alive...
[ pr. time ]

sadescription Starring L.A.
8mn10   color   stéréo   2002   USA
by Spencer Stair
I started "Starring L.A." by taking a map of Los Angeles and drawing a circle around downtown. I then drew a five-point star inside the circle. I filmed from each of the points of the star for one full day. Because of the bad air quality in "L.A." it took almost a year to find five clear days. I then put the camera on my car and drove around the city along the line of the circle which I initially had drawn on the map. The image which I included with the videotape shows the five points from which I filmed and the area which is visible from the angle of the camera. Thus the viewable area of the video demarcates the body of the star. The path that I drove demarcates the circle around the star. The audio consists of sounds recorded during filming and thesound of a film projector. I believe by making this video I placed a curse on the entire city of Los Angeles.
[ pr. space ]

sadescription Temptation for the devil
6mn20   color   stéréo   2004   France
by Patrice Rossignol-Gicquel
A few years ago... one evening with the movies animated... always of topicality
[ pr. sense ]

sadescription The Ogre
2mn   color   mono   2003   China
by Yuk-Yiu IP
A kaleidoscope of self-devouring autoeroticism.
[ pr. movement ]

sadescription The ring mix
6mn20   color   stéréo   2004   France
by Jean Paul Noguès
Recording live during the 5th Nights of the Web arts of Vidéoformes 2003 in Clermont-Ferrand. Three protagonnists mix simultaneously: DJ Sirobe Plaais for the music, VJ Najem Sworb for the vidéopojection, and "CJ" Nog' S for the catch of sight camera with effect, for this numerical performance. A rough film without assembly!
[ pr. sense ]

sadescription Tokai
22mn40   color   stéréo   2003   USA
by Jonathan Crow
This performance video addresses a conflict of spectatorships - dialectics relationship in memory, interpretation and reality. A young woman sits in front of the camera. Her face dramatically obscures by make-up and a synthetic wig. She describes a strange experience she had with her husband in a theater. The subject shows the inability to discourse the memory and personnal identity through the complexities of langage and logic. The justaposition of life videos is taken from three different perspectives. Memory, present and fantasy are unexpectedly synched and un-synched. There is an affair. Or is there? There is an actress. Or is there? This scenario dramatically raises the question of the realities through an experiment in narrative, performance and video.
[ pr. space ]

sadescription Transcontinental
18mn   color   stéréo   2003   USA
by Spencer Stair
The enclosed tape represents the 14th section of an 18-part composition. The work was shot by placing acamera in a rotating mount on the top of my car and driving from Coney Island Pier in New York to the Santa Monica Pier in California. This section cover the area between Paradox Colorado on the southwestern slopes of the Rocky Mountains to Valley of Fire Nevada, in the Mojave Desert. Along the way I pass through Moa Utah, Monument Valley Arizona, and Zion National Park...
[ pr. space ]

sadescription Tu veux ma viande ?
2mn52   color   stéréo   2004   France
by Winnie j
Diversion of direction, in some fixed movements and images. You want my meat blood neither tail nor head.
[ pr. perception ]

sadescription Two or three things I know about Ohio
2mn16   color   mono   2002   USA
by Dan Boord & Luis Valdovino
"Two or three things I know about Ohio" is a charming parody of travel documentary and a quick funny American satire that pays homage to this Great Lakes state. Ohio is known for many things: the Amish, 19th Century farms, humidity, and small towns. Other little knows attractions include an annual parade of twins from all over the world, a live bait dispenser machine that competes with Pepsi for your dollar, the Longaberger Company World Headquaters...
[ pr. space ]

sadescription Untitled
4mn   b/w   stéréo   2003   Republic of Ireland
by Ciaran O Cearnaigh
This short experimental piece is based on the life of 18th Century Irish patriot Anne Devlin. She was captured, interrogated and questioned by soldiers during the first organised armed rebellion in Ireland in 1798. A rebellion which was directly influenced by the success of the French Revolution. On being questioned and tortured in jail she refused to speak or give any answers. Because of her silence, members of her family were executed by hanging. The video explores the idea of silence as being not a sign of weakness - but an act of defiance. The Irish actress Brid Brennan appears in the video. She originally played the role of Anne Devlin in Irish film director Pat Murphys 1983 Film, ANNE DEVLIN.
[ pr. perception ]

sadescription Vivantes lueurs
10mn   b/w   stéréo   2003   France
by Pierre-Yves Cruaud
The cinematographic device is put in action and tries to awake what does not belong yet to the lapse of memory. The chronic instability of my memory is hung up again with memories with the fragile indices. A kind of childbirth of the image occurs.
[ pr. movement ]

sadescription Wave / Wake
8mn40   color   stéréo   2002   USA
by Brook Hinton
"Wave/Wake" (2002) examines emotional states before and after a cataclysmic event. Beginning with a suggestion of ocean waves braking and receding, the piece places ordinary phenomena in the shadow of the 9/11/01 attack on New York and Washington DC through temporal manipulation of both media coverage and street videography. The piece functions as an emotional record and as a critique of mass media response to tragedy.
[ pr. time ]

sadescription We are winning don't forget
6mn32   color   stéréo   2003   France
by Jean-Gabriel Périot
On the representation of work. Or how one reconsiders with the class struggle.
[ pr. sense ]