by P'Silo, Videodrome 2, Dodeskaden et le MUFF
Videodrome 2/ 49 Cours Julien 13006 Marseille tel. 33 4 91 42 75 41
Saturday July 8, 21h 3 Performances _ 3h
Quelques minutes de soleil après minuit by Xavier Quérel
cinema performance, projector 16mm, lights, objects, microphones
Come and sit on the margins of traditional rules of cinema. Of course the basics are present: light, shutter, sound, screen, eye, brain, imagination. But conventions are overturned. The device is reversed, the projector becomes an instrument and the projectionist plays live in front of you. "Few minutes of sun after midnight" offers a unique experience. The precision of movements unfolds a universe on the edge, between dream and reality, intimacy and chaos. Celluloid teases you, wild and fleeting. Fluxus saturate. Suspension, fragile silence. Flashes wake, the mechanical devices scream.
Our retinas become unfaithful and let themselves drown in a pure and ephemeral moment.
Xavier Quérel
Xavier Quérel is a filmmaker based in Grenoble, active in different fields of experimental cinema focusing on performance with light and film. Quérel considers the cinema projector as an instrument. Applying his experience in improvisation, he has developed specific techniques and ingenious manipulations allowing him to play with the spontaneity of a musician. He plays with "La Cellule d'intervention METAMKINE", film/music performance based on improvisation, with Jérome Noetinger and Christophe Auger. He co-founded "L'Atelier MTK", a collective 'handcraft' cinema laboratory. Taking part in a performance of expanded cinema means giving oneself up to the synaesthetic experience, setting aside the traditional rules of film language and developing a receptive attitude, free of critical criteria... Light is the starting agent of this chain reaction, the projector its tool.
Pouvoir érotique des sirènes by Jean-Luc Gergonne with Cati Delolme
piece of music for microphones, voice, body, live and video

At first, sirens are women birds endowed with a power of seduction by singing a irresistible way to devour the men, in particular the sailors. Composed from Ulysses and from the myth of Orpheus in Homère's version, "Erotic Power Of Sirens" link music to movement and singing in a context of video and Greek mythology, where the determining point is every time an essential meeting.
"Erotic Power Of Sirens" is a contemporary initiatory route trying to transform the perceptions. In my work, I incorporate internal rules, rites which we do not understand necessarily as spectator, and which bring another way of showing and of making listen, to feel music.
Jean-Luc Gergonne
For JL.Gergonne, the music arises from the silence, from the gesture and the movement. Since 1995, he composes numerous acoustic piece in stereo and octophonie, instrumental pieces with a writing by gesture, movement and constraints of body, as well as mixed pieces for instruments and sounds fixed to support or electronics with live processing, or still open, graphic or intuitive pieces. He realizes sound and visual installations, " cinema for the ear" and experimental movies where the image completes, get married to or replaces the sound.
Cati Delolme
Multidisciplinary artist, she practised at first the contemporary dance and the plastic arts before dedicating herself to the work of the voice. Her pallet of expression, very open, reflects her desire to explore the vocal sound in its smallest nooks. Her interpreter's route, fed by numerous journeys in the special vocal contact of cultures ouside the West, and by collaborations with various vocal groups, leads her of traditional and former polyphonies to the contemporary music. The improvisation is favored: meeting point of multiple influences and starting point of a musical writing.
Wave Behaviour by Lewis & Clovic
with two 16mm projectors
Improvised performance for two 16mm projectors played by Lewis & Clovic.
The projectors become animals of film-free projection. The raw light, arriving 24 pulses per second, is ceaselessly sculpted to create form and movement. We play with pre-cinema for a Space-Noise Opera with optical manipulation and light beam trituration... an audio-kinetic fiction of four hands.

"Simulacra are sent and dispersed in every direction, but because we see only with the eyes, it occurs that, where we turn our gaze, it in that moment that all the objects strike it with form and color.
In that instant the emitted image pushes forward and advances the layer of air between it and the eyes... this chased layer of air thus bathes our pupilles and passes on.
All of this must naturally occur with a prodigious rapidity. "
Lewis & Clovic
L&C, less known as Clovis Lemaire-Cardoen and Loïc Verdillon, have the untoward habit of compulsively collecting so-called obsolete objects. Direct descendants of the MTK-Metalking-Metamkine dynasty in Grenoble, they program experimental cinema and improvised music at the 102 with the collectives Artoung! and Archipel Urbain.