
Videodrome 2/ 49 Cours Julien 13006 Marseille tel. 33 4 91 42 75 41
Thursday July 6, 21h & Saturday July 8, 15h30
free price
10 films - 69mn

sadescription Access to eden
3mn22   color   sil   2017   Italy
by Salvatore Insana
"Access To Eden" - never quite lost paradise. wild burns. An afterlife after another one. The most authentic and melancholy lie. Not a substitute, but the present research. A digital quiet waterfall disguised, through overlay and overwrite, from chemical and physical erosion of the film.

sadescription Porn Night
7mn25   color & b/w   stéréo   2017   France
by Hadrien Don Fayel
With the same series of super 8 mm rushes, I shot several films including SCENE COUPEE (2016) and PORN NIGHT. Here the objective was to exploit the aesthetic part of the film X of the 60s by isolating the bodies by the reframing and moving them away from their original context by the sound.

sadescription Expo, My Dirty Attic
8mn02   color   stéréo   2016   Canada
by Allan Brown
My earliest of childhood memories are shrouded in cold war phantasm, conspiracy, sea monsters and a woman describing her first experience on LSD. Expo 67 was the blossoming of Montreal as an international city and my introduction to the complex and complicated mind of a growing child.

sadescription Traits An Air
3mn02   color & b/w   sil   2015   USA
by Brice Bowman
"I express myself with images not with written word, consequently the film stands alone without the aid of what would always be an inadequately explained goal in making my film that would only mislead any potential viewer. If others care to write about the film that is fine but I don't do it." Brice Bowman

sadescription Sostalgia
14mn45   color   stéréo   2015   Canada
by Isabelle Hayeur
Solastalgia is a concept created by environmental philosopher Glenn Albrecht to define a feeling of unease tied to the upheavals and mutations we are experiencing today. It is the homesickness we may feel when we are still at home, but our familiar surroundings have grown strange to us. Nowadays, this state of loss of bearings seems to become generalized under the pressure of heightened development. In the Anthropocene Era, affected as we are by the rising world population, climate change, and the transformation of our ecosystems, this may be a form of latent distress that haunts us all.
distribution : Groupe Intervention Vidéo

sadescription Dans ma chambre
3mn09   color   dolby stéréo   2016   France
by Yves-Marie Mahé
The Swiss comedian Zouc was inspired by a stay she made at 16 years in a psychiatric hospital to create several of her characters.

sadescription Procedere:
6mn   color & b/w   stéréo   2015   Germany
by Delia Schiltknecht
The genuine disease diary leads into the soulscape of a person suffering from OCD: „Bad images should disappear suddenly!“ Since negative images mustn’t be thought. Nevertheless, they are here and constantly circling in the brain. The compulsive actions should dispel them...A vicious circle.
distribution : aug&ohr medien

sadescription Stuff As Dreams
5mn52   color   stéréo   2016   United Kingdom
by Guli Silberstein
A painterly collage breaking-up and collapsing into itself, composed from family moments and travelling snippets that intertwine with confused and panicked news reports from terror scenes. Progressing in dream-logic, glitching and morphing unexpectedly, the work explores the affects of shifts in perception, in an increasingly fractured world.

sadescription Street Twenty-Seven Number Ten Sixteen
2mn47   color   mono   2015   Cuba
by Josh Weissbach
There is the memory of a bedroom in an apartment on the third floor of a building. There is a reverie of a melancholic love song playing on an airplane, flying towards an island, straddling an ocean and a sea. There is the soft haze of an embargo slowly lifting into the celestial blue.

sadescription Debris
11mn   color & b/w   stéréo   2017   Germany
by Giuseppe Boccassini
"Debris" is a travelogue of a shipwreck which tries, through decomposed memories, to grab onto new flesh.