Videodrome 2/ 49 Cours Julien 13006 Marseille tel. 33 4 91 42 75 41
Thursday July 6, 17h15 & Saturday July 8, 19h
free price
- 70mn
Comment on peut supposer que Dieu était bien intentionné, malgré les avalanches, les moustaches et les petits tracas quotidiens6mn10 color stéréo 2016 Canadaby Marie DauvernéI'm not a first name. I'm not a square. I am a complicated polygon, a wobbly country on two feet - a hexagonal uninhibited shame, Canadian promises by the barrel (for sale), a Quebec with paper borders. A post-Charlie hybrid slam of autofiction microstoriesis "comment on peut supposer que Dieu était bien intentionné […]" is an experimental video punctuated by various qualifiers, image printed overlays, animation, video and glitter animated gifs. A kitscho-performative collage for an identity crisis era.self-productiondistribution : Groupe Intervention Vidéoclip
Cortopunk3mn18 color mono 2017 Franceby Carole ThibaudIt's time for Corto's haircut. It's a real event, a ceremony. Public is there, weather is good, stars are aligned.self-productionself-distributionclip
Shot9mn30 color stéréo 2016 Germanyby Aemilia ScottSHOT is an experimental film that tries to make formal sense out of senseless violence. Footage was found from every police shooting over the last two years for which there is available video. Each piece of footage is taken unedited, and aligned -- synchronised to the moment of the first gunshot. The lm is a moving composite, modelled after the composite photographs used by criminologists in the 19th century to try to understand the archetypical thief, rapist, murderer. The end result is an uncanny wave of terror, violence, and outrage.self-productiondistribution : aug&ohr medienclip
L’hortograffe pour tous4mn29 color dolby stéréo 2016 Franceby Yves-Marie MahéTo your pens!self-productionself-distributionclip
Pillar of Cloud4mn03 color stéréo 2016 New Zealandby Brit BunkleyOil, ghost towns, and dust devils are aligned as tropes of climate change. Tornado-like dust devils, as canaries in the coal mine, are increasingly common in hot, barren deserts and in drought-stricken areas of the world.self-productionself-distributionclip
Tekrar2mn15 color & b/w stéréo 2016 Lebanonby Chantal PartamianA collage of archival footage, super 8mm and pal formats exploring the redundant repetitive trap of war.self-productionself-distributionclip
It Is What It Is8mn color & b/w stéréo 2016 USAby Cyrus TabarAs filmmaker Cyrus Yoshi Tabar digs deep into his family history for answers to questions that have shaped his life, he finds that there are some things that might be better off left in the past.self-productionself-distributionclip
Sainte-Adresse (Prologues #1)2mn10 color stéréo 2017 Franceby Boris du BoullayTo begin, to begin again... Then move on to next, stack potential movies.
I will shoot prologues of all the movies that I will never shoot. Prologues will feature 10 films that will draw an imaginary vision of a face to face with the cinema. Sainte-Adresse is the first prologue of this new serie.self-productionself-distributionclip
Towards The Hague4mn50 color mono 2016 Netherlandsby Sylvia Winkler & Stephan KoeperlA critical approach towards the International Criminal Court for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY). During a bicycle tour to The Hague we sing a song whose lyrics are based on our research about the development and the pros / cons of this legal institution. Melody and setting are inspired by the movie "Ko to tamo peva", a black comedy about a bus journey to Belgrade just before the bombardment by the German Wehrmacht.self-productionself-distributionclip
It's Stonewall in My Navel7mn35 color stéréo 2016 USAby Laurel BeckmanThe impulse to daydream is thwarted; a navel-gazing subject travels inside and outside her body, where her navel plays host to revelers and protest tools at Stonehenge and Stonewall.self-productionself-distributionclip
C'est pas pire Anna3mn20 color stéréo 2016 Franceby Maxime HotThe dangerousness of carnivorous fishes in aquatic environment illustrated by splatter cinema and little songs.
Literalities series n°3.self-productionself-distributionclip
Ça brûle11mn28 color & b/w stéréo 2016 Franceby Agathe Dreyfus & Christine GaboryPatrice Claude, ancien intermittent du spectacle, s'est immolé le 27 avril 2016 devant sa caisse de retraite à Marseille. "Ça brûle" se base sur ses propos enregistrés le 1er juillet à l’hôpital.production : 360° et même plusdistribution : 360° et même plusclip