Videodrome 2/ 49 Cours Julien 13006 Marseille tel. 33 4 91 42 75 41
Thursday July 6, 19h & Saturday July 8, 17h15
free price
- 66 mn
Between3mn43 color stéréo 2016 Franceby Marie-Paule BilgerI used to dance. Then I stopped. Decades later I went back to stand on my feet to dance about war. On a single screen, 9 different videos are displayed out of sync to create an unique flow.self-productionself-distributionclip
Traveler’s Dream1mn07 color stéréo 2016 USAby Dan NadanerThis is an imagining of the conciousness of the traveler, the emigré, or the deportee in circumstances
that may be difficult and unexpected. The blur of change, the changes of context, the hopes for the future.self-productionself-distributionclip
Front4mn color stéréo 2017 Indiaby Aditi Kulkarni"Front" creates a line to establish a dialogue between the realities existing in parallel dimensions. In this hour you look at me or I look at you does it make any difference to the you.self-productionself-distributionclip
over against5mn02 color stéréo 2016 Australiaby David Anthony SantMontaged footage of Saturday morning clientele vacating a crowded inner western Sydney train station platform then walking single file across a narrow footbridge to Sydney’s largest fruit and vegetable market is edited together with diagonally aligned glimpses of estranged neoclassical sculptures and urban utilitarian constructs.self-productionself-distributionclip
the gates are open14mn30 color stéréo 2017 Canadaby David BaumflekAn experimental diary film, equally interested in recording the colors, sounds and images of daily life, and exploring larger themes of creation, mortality and belief.self-productionself-distributionclip
Aleppo4mn15 color stéréo 2017 Belgiumby Marc NeysVideopoem for the poem 'Aleppo' by Howie Good. Words: Howie Good. Concept, camera, editing, music: Swoon. Soundbites: news bits on Al Jazeera Aleppo. Perhaps if I stay still, very, very still, they will step out from the burning rubble into the last desolate wisps of daylight, and say their names, Mohammed, Jamal, Iman, and tell us exactly when and how they died, whether blown up, or gunned down, or incinerated, so we can apologize before they fade for good, shadows of ghosts, dark matter collapsing inwards, timely making way for the silence of forgetting.self-productionself-distributionclip
TEXTures d'un Cami, self-portrait7mn07 color stéréo 2016 Spainby Rrose PresentA small "units of meaning" made from notes of text and audio made during my walks in Les Fonts, where my mother was born. The images and text are superimposed to weave the neural texture of my memory that leads to the vision of inner experiences and feelings.production : FLUX Festival 2016distribution : The Film-Makers’ Cooperativeclip
Suspended world 12mn35 color stéréo 2016 Franceby Aliénor ValletWhich is beyond Google Earth…
"Suspended world 1" evokes the perpetual motion and the infinity of the world.production : Artvidéo Labdistribution : Artvidéo Labclip
Jiangzicui4mn54 color stéréo 2017 Taiwanby Kar Seng SeeYears ago a woman was murdered and her body parts were found at Jiangzicui, where now is a metro station.self-productionself-distributionclip
Passenger Fantasy6mn30 color sil 2016 USAby Neil NeedlemanA geometric fantasia using the famous uninterrupted 6-minute tracking shot at the end of Antonioni's film "The Passenger."self-productionself-distributionclip
Blanc9mn30 color stéréo 2017 Canadaby Nelly-Ève RajotteThrough an aerial robotic movement, northern Canada’s sublime landscape is overflown by the machine’s eye, from the viewer's point of view. The opening on a snow-capped cinéparc, with a white cinema screen in the middle of the landscape, invites the viewer to get lost inside the machine’s God point of view.production : PERTE DE SIGNALdistribution : PERTE DE SIGNALclip