Yuo'ik -
June 22, 19h30 - 39mn
The beautiful garden4mn15 color stéréo 2007 Portugalby Jonathan FrancoThe garden that is a mere scenario to five old black and white anonymous photographs, attempts to capture a moment between a father and his three children, assumes now the core of all attentions, becoming dominant in splendour and life. The human issue reveals to be secondary and almost a background. The journey thru nature ends with footage of a garden I believe to be the same one where the pictures were taken decades ago.self-productionself-distribution[ pr. perception ]clip
Two thousand walls (a song for jayyous)6mn23 color mono 2006 Belgiumby Peter SnowdonNight. A terrace on a hillside. Children’s voices. A poem. A song. A fragment of time, a moment out of time. Gostly figures, as if struggling to exist, even here, in their own land. Experimental documenrtary, filmede in the West Bank, occupied Palestinian territories.self-productionself-distribution[ pr. time ]clip
Dire avec les yeux6mn04 b/w stéréo 2007 Franceby Jean Paul NoguèsYour eyes. Yes, that’s it. Your eyes. It is your eyes that talk to me. Your eyes that tell me what. Your eyes that tell me that. That tell me they talk to me, that tell me they ear me, that tell me they wait for me. Your eyes that look at me. Yes, they are.production : Endogèneself-distribution[ pr. sense ]clip
Ritratto di famiglia (Family portrait)5mn color & b/w stéréo 2006 Italyby Carlo CagnassoA man goes out of his house and begins to run. A woman walks along a market. Two children doze on the carpet.self-productionself-distribution[ pr. movement ]clip
Sönemböör12mn40 color stéréo 2006 Franceby Samuel BesterFifth volet of a work started in 1996 on the island Sylt (North Germany) to evoke by image and sound the fragility of the landscape and the feelings we can have regarding a place which disappearance is announced.self-productionself-distribution[ pr. space ]clip
Disconnected3mn color stéréo 2006 USAby Karl LindA woman sits waiting by the phone while a million tiny hearts break and a lonely song stiltedly plays over and over. Somehow, everything is much more one sided than we would like it to be.self-productionself-distribution[ pr. identité[04] ]clip