Lices -
July 5, 17h30 & July 7, 19h30
films - 70mn
Cellular Activity : TANZ !12mn30 color sil 2006 USAby Neil NeedlemanThe latest entry in my "Cellular Activity" series, shot at my daughter's ultra-orthodox Jewish wedding. This is NOT the wedding video my family thought they would get. But they should know me by now ! Care to tanz ?self-productionself-distributionclip
Exploration18mn45 color stéréo 2006 Franceby Johanna Vaude"Exploration" : scientific images of the inner human body, of the galaxies and the constellations, used and transformed into a poetic journey from the infinitely small to the infinitely big...self-productionself-distributionclip
Dubus4mn09 b/w stéréo 2005 Russiaby Alexei DmitrievA slow dance of the classical cinema to the music of Zelany Rashoho.self-productionself-distributionclip
Can I have 2 minutes of your time ?2mn color stéréo 2005 Austriaby Brigitta BödenauerStarting from the continuous filming of a clock's display for two minutes, The video was processed in a realtime-programming environment for video. The individual frames were then printed on paper and subsequently redrawn frame by frame in charcoal and oil paint. scanned back, the frames were animated as the final video.self-productiondistribution : sixpackfilmclip
Ritratto di famiglia (Family portrait)5mn color & b/w stéréo 2006 Italyby Carlo CagnassoA man goes out of his house and begins to run. A woman walks along a market. Two children doze on the carpet.self-productionself-distributionclip
Die wand (trailer diagonale 2005)1mn b/w stéréo 2005 Austriaby Brigitta Bödenauer & Michael StrohmannFilm is scratching at... breaking out of... rubbing on... reality/the media... behind, the desire, the wall, the reality , the media, the hand, scratches, at the screen, breaks through, borders, breaks out, from media, into desire, back to reality.self-productionself-distributionclip
Sarajevo1mn20 color stéréo 2006 Franceby HELLAIMORTHKey for the paint of the same name.self-productionself-distributionclip
Energie !5mn b/w stéréo 2007 Germanyby Thorsten FleischThe tv/video comes alive by a controlled beam of electrons in the cathode ray tube. For "Energie !" an uncontrolled high voltage discharge of approx. 30000 volts exposes photographic paper which is then arranged in time to create new visual systems of electron organization.self-productionself-distributionclip
Under twilight5mn color stéréo 2006 Franceby Jean-Gabriel PériotBeauty and/or destruction.self-productiondistribution : HEURE EXQUISE !clip
Climax1mn10 b/w stéréo 2006 Franceby Anthony RousseauA filmic construction guided by the translation of the anguishes and infantiles fears...production : Vidéozartsself-distributionclip
D-CINÉ (3)7mn44 color stéréo 2006 Franceby Sylvain LegrandVisuals weavings in variation.self-productionself-distributionclip