Lices -
July 4, 20h30 & July 6, 17h30
films - 70mn
Onion5mn23 color & b/w stéréo 2006 United Kingdomby Paul AbbottA selection of what was noticed over a period time (undermined).self-productionself-distributionclip
What I saw on October 32, 19888mn30 color mono 2006 USAby Neil NeedlemanOctober 32, 1988 was a good day to see light, shadow, color, movement, people, buildings, smoke, air, trains, and everything else. I’m glad I witnessed it all with my camcorder at the ready. And I’m happy I rediscovered these images 18 years after I captured them and finally had the time to edit them. This is a brief video poem to be enjoyed on a bright sunny day.self-productionself-distributionclip
Motion Exercises9mn20 color stéréo 2006 USAby Flame SchonMotion Exercises. Part1 - "Public Service Announcements" - 13 tiny short text "messages" such as come on regular TV programming, then follows the program "Daughter of Dada Returns" the first in a series of new episodes "to be continued" comic book style, bringing my original concept D of D into the present moment.self-productionself-distributionclip
Memoriam (Le Souvenir)2mn29 color stéréo 2007 USAby Dan Nadaner"Memoriam" is a video about loss and the presence of multiple realities in the mind at any one time. It contrasts a torrential storm and an idyllic day, the present and the past, the direct view and the view interpreted by memory and the video apparatus.self-productionself-distributionclip
Another Hard Winter8mn50 color & b/w stéréo 2007 Portugalby Jonathan FrancoAn unstoppable heart beating and the flapping wings of a hummingbird, lead to the thrills of passion that can drive us all towards pleasure, knowledge or peril. Immemorial voyages to the unknown are evocated. Departing and arriving. Conflict and territoriality. Unbalanced relationship between mankind and the surrounding nature is established. Destruction, constant rebuilding and faith are roots to the suspenseful tensions binding areas in transition. The ecotone.self-productionself-distributionclip
Psycho(s)12mn color & b/w stéréo 2005 Chinaby Yuk-Yiu IP & ST"Psycho(s)" is a live remix of Alfred Hitchcok’s Psycho and Gus Van Sant’s remake in 1998. Running on custom software that edits the films in real-time, "Psycho(s)" juxtaposes and condenses the two films that were made almost 40 years apart into a hypnotic stream of mirror images. The images and sounds, drifting in and out of sync, create a perpetual state of cinematic déjà vu that haunts and confuses both the original and its double. "Psycho(s)" recycles the original narratives, forming new poetic associations in an endless cycle of parallel edits.self-productionself-distributionclip
Paysage avec miroir7mn color stéréo 2006 Colombiaby Inés WickmannA glance reflected in the mirror is watching the metamorphosis of an intimate, oneiric and underground landscape.self-productiondistribution : Groupe Intervention Vidéoclip
The beautiful garden4mn15 color stéréo 2007 Portugalby Jonathan FrancoThe garden that is a mere scenario to five old black and white anonymous photographs, attempts to capture a moment between a father and his three children, assumes now the core of all attentions, becoming dominant in splendour and life. The human issue reveals to be secondary and almost a background. The journey thru nature ends with footage of a garden I believe to be the same one where the pictures were taken decades ago.self-productionself-distributionclip
Infinite Trajectory12mn23 color & b/w stéréo 2005 Germanyby Christin Bolewski"Infinite Trajectory" is an audiovisual essay inspired by a text of the French Philosopher Jean Baudrillard dealing with topics of a post-modern society : Electronic mass media collapse space and time barriers in human communication, enabling us to interact and live on a global scale, where we are losing the identity of ourselves and the concept of space.self-productionself-distributionclip