July 3, 21h & July 4, 15h30
Théâtre des Chartreux 105, avenue des Chartreux / 13004 Marseille tel. 33 4 91 50 18 90
films - 78mn
Pleasure or Business3mn b/w stéréo 2013 Colombiaby Fredy Clavijo CuartasCurrently, the free movement of goods and mass tourism have made the world a space of continuous traffic, but for those who those who don't have financial resources get tougher immigration laws while walls are built to separate men.self-productionself-distributionclip
demandé d'arrêter4mn20 color stéréo 2013 USAby Brice BowmanThe concept is to represent the isolation of not resisting and walking within the boundaries of a devastating demand to remove essential elements from the inner soul of a being resulting in a wounded existence.self-productionself-distributionclip
Isola2mn55 color & b/w stéréo 2014 USAby Dan NadanerA film using the language of water to speak about that which has no words. Desires, disappearances. Desire and the symbolic are like the wandering and the boundary.self-productionself-distributionclip
À fleur de peau15mn color stéréo 2013 Canadaby Myriam Jacob-AllardGrowing old together. A couple, alone with each other during the bath ritual, the poetry of small daily gestures. The seasons go by. The body recalls its first thrills. Memory at the slightest touch.self-productiondistribution : Groupe Intervention Vidéoclip
La saison sombre8mn45 color stéréo 2014 Canadaby Isabelle Hayeur"La saison sombre" (The Dark Season) is intended as a kind of omen. The video shows us devastated places and landscapes with extreme climates. It alludes to some of the upheavals current societies are undergoing, at a time when our dependence on fossil fuels is only growing.self-productiondistribution : Groupe Intervention Vidéoclip
Unwind2mn40 color stéréo 2012 Indiaby Aditi KulkarniIt’s an experimental video projecting parallel and relative dimensions of momentum co-existing in the space-time model. This is a series of work seen as individual or collective.self-productionself-distributionclip
Iterations5mn38 color stéréo 2014 USAby Gregg BiermannA scene from Alfred Hitchcock's "Rear Window" is julienned, with each vertical slice reverberating out in time from a central moment.self-productionself-distributionclip
'Driven'4mn15 color stéréo 2013 Australiaby David Anthony SantA stretch of tarmac and concrete lined with motor industry retailing and servicing that professes the sovereignty of the motor car. Exposed as a tangle of pollution, noise and drudgery in daylight, but at night transformed into an erratic landscape where darkness is punctured with floodlights and fleeting headlights.self-productionself-distributionclip
Splendor1mn color sil 2013 USAby Jeremy NewmanThis video explores the interplay between artistic vision and the urban environment. Rachel Blythe Udell's embroideries are central.self-productionself-distributionclip
Seem2mn30 color stéréo 2014 USAby Coalfather IndustriesThe human and mechanical characters in "Seem" propel the viewer into the “Uncanny Valley” where the line between real and phantasm is obscured. self-productionself-distributionclip
Video Pagus Mundi III2mn03 b/w stéréo 2012 Italyby Paride Di StefanoThe "video Pagus Mundi III" belongs to a series of videos entitled "Pagus Mundi". In the video we see many images that appear and move according to the sounds generated by a mixer for cement. The sound is cut and re-organized and carries the rhythm of the entire video. The video is a view of the landscape from a different perspective, like in a dream where consciousness is lost in the depths of irrationality.self-productionself-distributionclip
Allégorie7mn38 color stéréo 2014 Franceby Roselyne Frick MA night modeled after the opera. Skateboarders going back and forth as a reccuring theme, sound powered up. Machines. A woman looking. A photographer on the balcony. Cubic objects. Dressed up people. Lyricism of the shadows. Dancing suspensions. Electric statues. And suddenly a man leaves the scene.self-productionself-distributionclip
Chantier autorisé au public14mn color stéréo 2013 Democratic Republic of Congoby Aliénor Vallet & Boris Ganga BouetoumoussaBuilding, destroying, Africa is a vast construction site. Reconstructing, deconstructing, imagine common territories. Walking, jumping, making movement what connects us not what separates us. Lying, kneeling, standing, experiment and reinvent the public place …self-productionself-distributionclip